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Upcoming Events

Monday Nov. 8
For this webinar, we invited three marketing scholars who have recently published important foundational work for the future of international marketing scholarship in the field of personal selling and sales…
Tuesday Jan. 25
Major trading companies and MNCs around the world are recognizing the transformative impact of block chain technology in operating global supply chains, managing trade finance, and unlocking new business models.…
Thursday Jan. 27
IBC’s Global Business Club is hosting an event focused on foreign direct investment in Michigan. The webinar will give an overview of FDI and economic data pre and during the…
Thursday Jan. 27
Emerging from the disruptive market forces of the twenty first century, the global automotive industry has become synonymous with more than just mobility. Advances in technology and the transformation of…
Friday Feb. 11
Are you looking to offer an education abroad program? This webinar will provide you with the knowledge, experience, and resources you need to design an education abroad program at the…
Thursday Apr. 14
Fintech’s potential to transform international business has generated a tremendous amount of excitement across industries. In this webinar, three international experts in the emerging field of fintech will share with…
Tuesday Apr. 26
Young entrepreneurs put their heart, soul, creativity and themselves into their inventions, ideas, products and businesses. Their creativity and investment in their ideas contribute to global societal change and progress…
Thursday May. 26
Description This webinar provides an introduction to bibliometrics as a research tool, the basic steps in preparing and implementing a bibliometrics project, ways of analyzing and discussing data-driven results, and…
Thursday Jun. 16
Web3, blockchain, crypto, distributed ledger technology, tokens, NFTs…and many other words that are hard to understand and explain are filling up international business news. Research in the field of International…
Wednesday Jul. 6 - Jul. 9
The Academy of International Business (AIB) holds annual meetings each summer (June-July) in various predetermined locations around the world. Each conference features a combination of plenaries, panels, and papers. All…