Study Abroad Programs in Degree

Healthcare Leadership


Review leadership theories and practices as applied in healthcare organizations. Develop leadership skills.

Market Analysis and Planning


Review the techniques, systems and formats to comprehend healthcare market forces and develop value-based healthcare marketing plans.


Explore the fundamentals of effective negotiations in healthcare organizations. Learn how to plan for negotiation, integrative and distributive negotiation strategies, power and influence, ethics and interpersonal communication.

Managing the Learning Organization

Learn how to assess the knowledge, skills, and abilities within an organization. This enables you to match future employee skill needs with appropriate learning strategies as well as link employee knowledge, skills, and abilities with overall organizational strategies.

Skills: Leadership, Strategic Thinking, People Management, Collaboration/Coordination, Adaptability, Coaching, Global Mindset, Critical Thinking

International Management

This course is focused on gaining knowledge of how a multinational corporation competes successfully in the marketplace, with a particular emphasis on the MNC’s global strategy levers and organizational factors within the context of its industry globalization drivers.

Skills: Strategic Thinking, People Management, Collaboration/Coordination, Innovation/Creativity, Analysis, Culture/Cross-Culture, Global Mindset, Change Management, Critical Thinking

Competitive & Business Strategy

Learn concepts and methods that integrate previous training in functional areas of management. You will understand the total firm perspective and ways top managers create and sustain competitive advantage in today’s challenging global marketplace.

Skills: Strategic Thinking, Communication, Decision Making, Analysis, Conflict Resolution, Adaptability, Change Management, Critical Thinking

Healthcare Information Systems

Review issues in the management and implementation of healthcare information systems and application of information technologies to support the effective and efficient delivery of healthcare work processes to stakeholders. Explore the relationship between quality management and information management. Learn about technology standards, security, emerging technologies and healthcare analytics.

Supply Chain Management in Healthcare

Review the concepts and tools of supply chain management related to healthcare settings. Topics include management of resources, sourcing, operations, inventory, logistics and capacity for effective services, quality and cost performance.

Healthcare Services Marketing

Explore the principles and processes of marketing and its role in effectively managing healthcare services for improvement and policy making.

Hospitality and the Patient Experience

Discover the patient experience in healthcare as it relates to hospitality marketing, service quality management, patient well-being and the role that leadership plays in the process.

Managerial Epidemiology and Population Health

Review the epidemiological concepts for decision-making in healthcare organizations. Assess managerial strategies for applying population health principles to disease assessment, community forecasting, cost effectiveness and utilization of services.

Healthcare Regulations

Examine the role of regulations in the healthcare industry, focusing on standards of regulatory and accreditation organizations. Explore regulation in relationship to organizational culture and performance.

Enterprise Risk Management


Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is a systemic approach to mitigating risks associated with doing business in the healthcare industry. This course will examine the best approaches, academic and practical, to creating and implementing an ERM system.

Healthcare Compliance


Explore the importance of compliance in healthcare organizations. Topics include effective healthcare compliance, governance issues, fiduciary responsibilities and challenges faced in the healthcare industry.

Implementing Compliance Systems


Change in healthcare is a constant. Students need to understand how to keep their organizations compliant with the new requirements and this course will challenge students to consider health regulation in general and how to use these regulations as a strategic advantage. The course covers implementation, execution and enforcement of healthcare compliance programs.

Healthcare Management Capstone

The capstone class integrates the coursework, skills and perspectives in the program in a project, paper or practicum. The capstone is intended to bring cumulative knowledge to culmination on specific healthcare management issues, dilemmas and gaps. Each capstone project, paper or practicum must be approved in writing and overseen by a faculty member.

Human Resource Management in Healthcare

Discover the role of human resource management for healthcare organizations. This course focuses on strategies for human resource recruitment, utilization, productivity, compensation and development.

Financial Management in Healthcare

Learn financial management tools for investment and financing decision-making in healthcare firms. Explore risk, valuation and capital budgeting. Understand how to analyze the financial condition of the firm through the examination of financial statements.

Healthcare Systems and Economic Policy

Understand the organization of U.S. health system, policy process and services. Review the dynamics of economic theory, valuation, financing and delivery of healthcare.

Quality, Risk, and Performance Management

Explore how to manage healthcare performance by means of quality initiatives, process management and risk management. The course will focus on relevant methods, principles, processes, strategies and systems thinking.

Healthcare Strategic Management

This course examines ways top managers create and sustain competitive advantage in today’s challenging healthcare marketplace from a total firm perspective.

Accounting Decision Making in Healthcare

Understand the principles of financial accounting applied to healthcare organizations, emphasizing application of key financial accounting tools and concepts for managerial decisions.

Cost Analysis in Healthcare

Topics include A) cost analysis: cost estimation, cost allocation and cost behavior; B) pricing: revenue management and strategic product-mix decisions; C) profitability: analytical techniques for determining profitability of departments, services and patients; D) control: budgeting, variance analysis, coordination of activities among departments; E) contracting with suppliers and insurance companies.

Creating an Ethical Organization

Ethical awareness and sound judgment are essential for individual success and organizational effectiveness. In this course, we will examine the ethical aspects of individual and corporate decision making and provide practical resources for making ethical decisions within the business context.

Critical Thinking and Innovation in Healthcare

Learn strategies for dealing with cognitive biases, making unrecognized assumptions, determining causality, navigating pathways in critical reasoning and maximizing reasoning effectiveness. Apply innovation principles for developing and implementing innovative designs, processes and leadership in healthcare.