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Mastering finance isn’t just a matter of analyzing numbers and data.

The Department of Finance in the Broad College of Business prepares students to look beyond quantitative reasoning in order to discover innovative solutions to the most prominent issues confronting today’s (and tomorrow’s) businesses. Our flexible programs and curriculum specializations in corporate finance and financial markets allow students to focus on their specific areas of interest within finance.

Department Information Sheet

Andrei Simonov headshot

Andrei Simonov

A community of experiential learning and financial leadership

Welcome to the Department of Finance in the Eli Broad College of Business. We invite you as prospective or current Broad College students to learn about the dynamic world of finance. While you will become grounded in finance fundamentals, you will also grapple with the underlying causes of economic problems and the many risks businesses face in today’s complex global world. You will learn from our innovative faculty who foster a collaborative learning environment with their dedication to student success. Insights and findings from faculty’s cutting-edge research will inform your discussions.

The department encourages our students to participate in co-curricular opportunities offered by the Financial Markets Institute, the Center for Venture Capital, Private Equity and Entrepreneurial Finance, and the Student Investment Fund. Further explore your interests through one of our student organizations: Finance Association, Spartan Global Development Fund, Student Investment Association and the Wealth Management Association. In addition to engaging with peers who share similar interests, these organizations provide wonderful opportunities for leadership development.

The department welcomes contact from employers interested in learning about our student talent. If you would like to learn more, please contact Russell Palmer Career Management Center.

We invite you to learn more about how the Department of Finance is helping Eli Broad College realize its vision of becoming a top-of-mind business school and transform students into the leaders of tomorrow.

Finance @ Broad

Mr. Keiichi Higuchi sitting down and talking with Broad College of Business Faculty and Staff.
Keiichi Higuchi, MSU alum and CEO, returns as Global Engagement Fellow, mentoring students and promoting global business
Kaitlyn Dickerson speaking in a tiered classroom in the Minskoff Pavilion.
Broad alumna Kaitlyn Dickerson joined students to discuss career choices and navigating their own career path.
A Spartan holds her diploma and smiles while crossing the Breslin Center commencement stage.
We celebrate the seniors who are recognized for having a 4.0 GPA at the close of their time at MSU.
MSU Finance Commencement 2022

We offer a full portfolio of programs in finance.

The Department of Finance offers bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programs, all designed to account for curriculum specialization to a student’s particular interests in finance. Our programs also prepare students for roles in the related fields of marketing, production, supply chain and human resources. This tailored approach empowers students to achieve their unique career goals in finance and across all areas of business.

Research areas cover all major areas of finance including corporate and behavioral finance, contracting and asset pricing.

Explore Program  

Emerge with a breadth of financial knowledge, from fundamental analysis to asset management, and hone skills in corporate strategies and leadership.

Explore Program  

Gain the leading-edge financial planning knowledge, relationship management skills, and technology acumen to help both individual and institutional clients make smart choices with their financial assets from this registered CFP Program.

Explore Program  

The discipline of finance comprises corporate financial management, management of financial institutions, and investments. An understanding of financial concepts, financial instruments and financial management decision-making are vital to each. Employment opportunities exist in industrial and brokerage firms, public utilities, banks, insurance companies, credit unions and agencies of government.

Explore Program  

The Minor in Financial Planning and Wealth Management is designed to provide students with a solid understanding of the concepts and techniques used by wealth management advisors to help individual and institutional clients. As the industry continues to evolve, students will gain the necessary skills to help firms meet the expanding needs of their client base.

Explore Minor  

Ideal for students pursuing careers as underwriters, claim adjusters, agents or brokers in the insurance industry, or careers in risk management within financial institutions.

Explore Minor  

Recent advances in artificial intelligence using big data are rapidly transforming many parts of our society, including the financial sector. These changes reach beyond simple automation of manual labor and have begun replacing mental tasks associated with white-collar jobs. To cope with these rapid changes in the financial sector, there is an increasing demand for students with the ability to harness these new data science and analytics tools for traditional corporate decisions. The Finance Digital Track fills this void and exposes students to various aspects of the digital economy through an integrated curriculum that combines regular business training and modern computing technology.

Explore Digital Track  

Financial Markets Institute

The Financial Markets Institute (FMI) provides comprehensive training to a select group of highly motivated finance and accounting students at Broad. Scholars are offered invaluable professional opportunities, such as co-managing a multi-million dollar investment fund and visiting financial services firms across the United States. Based on student preparation, the institute provides employers with the confidence that FMI scholars have the technical and soft skills necessary to make immediate contributions to their firms.



Spartan Global Development Fund


Spartan Global Development Fund (SGDF) is a registered student organization sponsored by the Finance Department, Eli Broad College of Business, Michigan State University.  SGDF was founded in 2009 and has made over $160,000 in loans to aspiring entrepreneurs worldwide.   The student organization works in tandem with the Spartan Global Development Fund 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose board includes alumni and SGDF’s faculty advisor Professor Paulette L. Stenzel.  Through SGDF, students educate themselves and others about the need for microfinance and how microfinance operates; raise funds locally and through crowdfunding; work with field partners in developing countries; and extend and administer loans.  We aim to educate, inspire, and enable tomorrow’s agents of global change by extending interest-free microloans to small businesses around the world.



MSU Finance faculty member Hayong Yun poses for a portrait, leaned against a wall filled with a financial term word cloud inside Eppley Center.

Our Faculty

profile photo of Ryan Israelsen

Ryan Israelsen

  • Kaufman Endowed Professor in Insurance and Risk Management
  • Professor
profile photo of Hao Jiang

Hao Jiang

  • Philip J. May Professor in Finance
  • Professor, Co-Director of the Center for Venture Capital, Private Equity and Entrepreneurial Finance

Faculty Publications

  • Kirt Butler


    Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, 6th edition (2016) by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


    “A Fresh Look at Cross-Border Valuation and FX Hedging Decisions” with T. O’Brien and G. Utete, Journal of Applied Finance (2013).

    “The Relative Contribution of Conditional Mean and Volatility in Bivariate Returns to International Stock Market Indices” with K. Okada, Applied Financial Economics (2009).

    “Higher-order terms in bivariate returns to international stock market indices” with K. Okada, Multinational Finance Journal (2008).

    “Finance and the search for the ‘Big’ question in international business,” Academy of International Business (2006).

    “Are the gains from international portfolio diversification exaggerated? The influence of downside risk in bear markets” with D.C. Joaquin, Journal of International Money and Finance (2002).

    “Competitive investment decisions: A synthesis” with D.C. Joaquin, in Michael J. Brennan and Lenos Trigeorgis (eds.), Project Flexibility, Agency, and Product Market Competition: New Developments in the Theory and Application of Real Options Analysis (London: Oxford University Press), (2000).

    “Improving analysts’ negative earnings forecasts” with H. Saraoglu, Financial Analysts Journal (1999).

    “A note on political risk and the required return on foreign investment” with D.C. Joaquin, Journal of International Business Studies (1998).

    “Stock returns in thinly traded markets” with R.M. Osborne, Financial Review (1998).

    “International portfolio diversification and the magnitude of the market timer’s penalty” with D.L. Domian and R.R. Simonds, Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting (1995).

    “Market response to earnings announcements: The effects of firm characteristics” with K. Han, Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics (1994).

    “Long-run returns for stocks and bonds: Implications for retirement planning” with D.L. Domian, Financial Services Review (1992).

    “Efficiency and inefficiency in thinly traded stock markets: Kuwait and Saudi Arabia” with S.K. Malaikah, Journal of Banking and Finance (1992).

    “The forecast accuracy of individual analysts” with L.H.P. Lang, Journal of Accounting Research (1991).

    “Risk, diversification, and the investment horizon” with D.L. Domian, Journal of Portfolio Management (1991).

    “Nonsynchronous security trading and market index autocorrelation” with M.D. Atchison and R.R. Simonds, Journal of Finance (1987).

  • Nuri Ersahin


    “Can Strong Creditors Inhibit Entrepreneurial Activity?” with R. Irani and K. Waldock, Review of Financial Studies (2021).

    “Creditor Control Rights and Resource Allocation within Firms” with R. Irani and H. Le, Journal of Financial Economics (2021).

    “Creditor Rights, Technology Adoption, and Productivity: Plant-Level Evidence”, forthcoming Review of Financial Studies (2020).

    “Collateral Shocks and Corporate Employment” with R. Irani, Review of Finance (2020).

    Working Papers

    “Crowded out from the Beginning: Impact of Government Debt on Corporate Financing” with C. Akkoyun and C.M. James.

    “The Achilles Heel of Reputable VCs” with R. Huang and N. Khanna.

    “Do Short-Term Incentives Affect Long-Term Productivity?” with H. Almeida, R. Irani, S. Fos, and M. Kronlund.

    “When Does Information Disclosure Help Innovation? Evidence from Blue Sky Laws” with C. Akkoyun.

  • Ryan Israelsen


    “Political Polarization in Financial News” with R. Israelson,  E. Goldman and N. Gupta, forthcoming Journal of Financial Economics.

    “Rating Agency Fees: Pay to Play in Public Finance?” with J. Cornaggia and K. Cornaggia, forthcoming Review of Financial Studies.

    “Uncovering the Hidden Effort Problem” with A. Ben-Rephael, B. Carlin, Z. Da, forthcoming Journal of Finance.

    “Who Pays Attention to SEC Form 8-K?” with A. Ben-Rephael, Z. Da and P. Easton, The Accounting Review (2022).

    “Public and Private Information: Firm Disclosure, SEC Letters, and the JOBS Act” with S. Agarwal and S. Gupta, Quarterly Journal of Finance (2022).

    “Where the Heart Is: Information Production and the Home Bias” with J. Cornaggia and
    K. Cornaggia, Management Science (2019).

    “Information Consumption and Asset Pricing” A. Ben-Rephael, B. Carlin, and Z. Da, Journal of Finance (2021).

    “Credit Ratings and the Cost of Municipal Financing” with J. Cornaggia and K.
    Cornaggia, Review of Financial Studies (2018).

    “Are Some Clients More Equal than Others? An Analysis of Asset Management Companies’ Execution Costs” with A. Ben-Rephael, Review of Finance (2018).

    “It Depends on Where You Search: Institutional Investor Attention and Under-reaction to News” with A. Ben-Rephael and Z. Da, Review of Financial Studies (2017).

    “Key Human Capital” with S. Yonker, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (2017).

    “Does Common Analyst Coverage Explain Excess Comovement?”, Journal of Financial and
    Quantitative Analysis (2016).

    “How Quickly do Equity Prices Converge to Intrinsic Value?” with D. Capozza, Journal of
    Investment Management (2010).

    “Predictability in Equilibrium: The Price Dynamics of Real Estate Investment Trusts” with D. Capozza, Real Estate Economics (2007).

    “Appraisal, Agency, and Atypicality: Evidence from Manufactured Homes” with D. Capozza and T. Thomson, Real Estate Economics (2005).

    Working Papers

    “Ownership and Governance Style: New Evidence from Nonfinancial Blockholders” with M. Schwartz-Ziv and J. Weston (2019).

    “Government Spending and Local Demographics: Evidence from Moody’s Municipal Ratings Recalibration” with J. Cornaggia, M. Gustafson and Z. Ye (2019).

    “Is Financial News Politically Biased?” with E. Goldman and N. Gupta (2019).

    “Indirect Costs of the JOBS Act: Disclosures, Information Asymmetry and Post-IPO Liquidity” with S. Gupta (2014).

    “Tell It like It Is: Disclosed Risks and Factor Portfolios” (2014).

    “Investment Based Valuation and Managerial Expectations” (2010).

  • Zoran Ivković


    “Angel Investment and First Impressions” with X. Huang, J. Jiang, and I. Wang, forthcoming Journal of Financial Economics.

    “A Tangled Tale of Training and Talent: PhDs in Institutional Money Management” with C. Ranadeb, J. Pollet, and C. Trzcinka, Management Science (2020).

    “Local Dividend Clienteles” with B. Becker and S. Weisbenner, Journal of Finance (2011).

    “Individual Investor Mutual Fund Flows” with S. Weisbenner, Journal of Financial Economics (2009).

    “Casual Community Efforts and Stock Market Participation” with J. Brown, P. Smith, and S. Weisbenner, Journal of Finance (2008).

    “Information Diffusion Effects in Individual Investors’ Common Stock Purchases: Covet Thy Neighbors’ Investment Choices” with S. Weisbenner, Review of Financial Studies (2007).

    “Tax-Motivated Trading by Individual Investors”, American Economic Review (2005).

    Working Papers

    “Empirical Determinants of Intertemporal Choice” with J. Brown and S. Weisbenner, Journal of Financial Economics.

    “Strategic Performance Allocation in Institutional Asset Management Firms: Behold the Power of Stars and Dominant Clients” with R. Chaudhuri and C. Trzcinka, Journal of Finance.

  • Hao Jiang


    “Does Mutual Fund Illiquidity Introduce Fragility into Asset Prices? Evidence from the Corporate Bond Market” with Y. Li, Z. Sun and A. Wang, Journal of Financial Economics (2022).

    “Pervasive Undereaction: Evidence from High-Frequency Data” with S. Li and H. Wang, Journal of Financial Economics (2021).

    “Dynamic Liquidity Management by Corporate Bond Mutual Funds” with D. Li and A. Wang, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (2021).

    “Reaching for Dividends” with Z. Sun, Journal of Monetary Economics (2020).

    “Trade less and exit overcrowded markets: Lessons from international mutual funds” with T. Dyakov and M. Verbeek, Review of Finance (2019).

    “Active Fundamental Performance” with L. Zheng, Review of Financial Studies (2018).

    “Does Herding Behavior Reveal Skill? An Analysis of Mutual Fund Performance” with M. Verardo, Journal of Finance (2018).

    “Investor Flows and Fragility in Corporate Bond Fund” with I. Goldstein and D. Ng, Journal of Financial Economics (2017).

    “Tail Risk and Asset Prices” with B. Kelly, Review of Financial Studies (2014).

    “Dispersion in Beliefs among Active Mutual Funds and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns” with Z. Sun, Journal of Financial Economics (2014).

    “Information Content when Mutual Funds Deviate from Benchmarks” with Y. Wang and M. Verbeek, Management Science (2014).

    Working Papers

    “Tracking Biased Weights: Asset Pricing Implications of Value-Weighted Indexing” with D. Vayanos and L. Zheng.

    “Predicting High-Frequency Industry Returns: Machine Learners Meet News Watcher” with S. Li and P. Yuan.

    “The Cyber Risk Premium” with N. Khanna and Q. Yang.

    “Investor Composition and Liquidity: An Analysis of Japanese Stocks” with S. Titman and T. Yamada.

    “News and Corporate Bond Liquidity” with Z. Sung.

    “Tail Risk and Hedge Fund Returns” with B. Kelly.

  • Naveen Khanna


    “Skill versus Reliability in Venture Capital” with R. Matthews, forthcoming Journal of Financial Economics (2021).

    “Posturing and Holdup in Innovation” with R. Mathews, Review of Financial Studies (2016).

    “Doing Battle with Short Sellers: The Conflicted Role of Block Holders” with R. Mathews, Journal of Financial Economics (2012).

    “Can Herding Improve Investment Decisions?” with R. Mathews, Rand Journal of Economics (2011).

    “Optimal Debt Contracts and Product Market Competition with Exit and Entry” with M. Schroder, Journal of Economic Theory (2010).

    “Good IPOs Drive in Bad: Inelastic Banking Capacity in Hot Markets” with T. Noe and R. Sonti, Review of Financial Studies (2008).

    “Pricing, Exit and Location Decisions of Firms: Evidence on the Role of Debt and Operating Efficiency” with S. Tice, Journal of Financial Economics (2005).

    Working Papers

    “Rewarding Disagreement for Optimal Decisions” with A. Peivandi and M. Schroder (2019).

    “Crowding Out Skill in Venture Capital” with R. Matthews (2019).

    “The Impermanence of Democracy: Intellectual Capital versus Capital Wealth” with T. Zhou (2019).

    “The Evolution of Inversion Strategies: Role of Law Changes and Managerial Agency” with T. Zhou (2019).

    “Making Boards More Effective: Independent Directors, Optimal Incentives, and Shareholder Say-on-Pay” with Z. Fluck (2014).

    “Rational Price Manipulations By Stockholders” with J. Marietta-Westburg (2013).

    “Are Most Democracies Temporal? Wealth Creation versus Wealth Appropriation” with Z. Fluck (2012).

    “Concentration and Market Power: Is Big Necessarily Bad?” with S. Tice (2010).

  • Dmitriy Muravyev


    “Informed Trading Intensity” with V. Bogousslavsky and S. Fos, forthcoming Journal of Finance.

    “Non-Standard Errors” with 342 co-authors from 34 countries, forthcoming Journal of Finance.

    “How Do Informed Option Traders Trade? Option Trading Activity, News Releases, and Stock Return Predictability” with M. Cremers, A. Fodor, and D. Weinbaum, forthcoming Management Science.

    “Market Return Around the Clock: A Puzzle” with O. Bondarenko, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (2023). Media: Alpha Architect. Video link.

    “Does Trade Clustering Reduce Trading Costs? Evidence from Periodicity in Algorithmic Trading” with J. Picard, Financial Management (2022).

    “Is There a Risk Premium in the Stock Lending Market? Evidence from Equity Options” with N. Pearson and J. Pollet, Journal of Finance (2022).

    “Informed Trading in the Stock Market and Option Price Discovery” with P. Collin-Dufresne and V. Fos, Journal of Financial and Quantitaive Analysis (2021).

    “Index Option Trading Activity and Market Returns” with T. Chordia, A. Kurov, and A. Subrahmanyam, Management Science (2021).

    “Option Trading Costs Are Lower Than You Think” with N. Pearson, Review of Financial Studies (2020). Best Paper in Market Microstructure at the FMA 2017 Annual Meeting.

    “Why Do Option Returns Change Sign from Day to Night?” with X. Ni, Journal of Financial Economics (2020).

    “Order Flow and Expected Option Returns”Journal of Finance (2016).

    “Is There Price Discovery in Equity Options?” with N. Pearson and J.P. Broussard,  Journal of Financial Economics (2013).

    Working Papers

    Why Do Price and Volatility Information from the Options Market Predict Stock Returns?” with N. Pearson and J. Pollet.

    “Should We Use Closing Prices? Institutional Price Pressure at the Close,” with V. Bogousslavsky. Runner up for the Best Paper in Market Microstructure at Financial Management Association 2020 Meeting. Media: Video link.

    “Making Better Use of Option Prices for Predicting Stock Returns,” with A. Vasquez and W. Wang.

    “What Does Text Sentiment Really Measure? Evidence from Earnings Calls,” with T. Chebonenko and L. Gu.

  • Mark Schroder


    “Private Information, Securities Lending, and Asset Prices” with M. Nezafat, forthcoming in Review of Financial Studies (2021).

    “Short-Sale Constraints, Information Acquisition, and Asset Prices” with M. Nezafat and Q. Wang, Journal of Economic Theory (2017).

    “Linked Recursive Preferences and Optimality” with S. Levental and S. Sinha, Mathematical Finance (2016).

    “Monotonicity of the Stochastic Discount Factor and Expected Option Returns” with R. Chaudhuri, Review of Financial Studies (2015).

    “A Simple Proof of Functional Itôs Lemma for Semimartingales with an Application” with S. Sinha and S. Levental, Statistics and Probability Letters (2013).

    “Optimal Debt Contracts and Product Market Competition with Replacement” with N. Khanna, Journal of Economic Theory (2010).

  • Andrei Simonov


    “Move Fast and Break Things! Innovation-Intensive Strategy, Organizational Permissiveness, and Corporate Wrongdoing” with W. Grieser, R. Krause, R. Li, and R. Priem, forthcoming Long Range Planning.

    “Are Political and Charitable Giving Substitutes? Evidence from the United States” with P. Yildirim, R. Perez-Truglia and M. Petrova, forthcoming Management Science.

    “Downside Risk Timing by Mutual Funds” with A. Bodnaruk and B. Chokaev, The Review of Asset Pricing Studies (2019).

    “Loss Averse Preferences, Performance, and Career Success of Institutional Investors” joint with A. Bodnaruk, Review of Financial Studies (2016).

    “Captive Finance and Firm’s Competitiveness” joint with A. Bodnaruk and W. O’Brien, Journal of Corporate Finance (2016).

    “Do Financial Experts Make Better Investment Decisions?” with A. Bodnaruk, Journal of Financial Intermediation (2015).

    “Style representation and portfolio choice” joint with M. Massa and A. Stekhona, Journal of Financial Markets (2015).

    “Alliances and Corporate Governance” joint with A. Bodnaruk and M. Massa, Journal of Financial Economics (2013).

    “On the Real Effects of Bank Bailout: Micro-Evidence from Japan” with M. Giannetti, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics (2013).

    “Alliances and Corporate Governance” with A. Bodnaruk and M. Massa, Journal of Financial Economics (2013).

    “Do Small Shareholders Count?” with M. Massa and E. Kandal, Journal of Financial Economics (2011).

    “Is College a Focal Point of Investor Life” with M. Massa, Review of Finance (2011).

    “Investment Banks as Insiders and the Market for Corporate Control” with A. Bodnaruk and M. Massa, Review of Financial Studies (2009).

  • Hayong Yun


    “Financial Reform and Public Good Provision: Municipal Bankruptcy Law and the Financing of Hospitals” with S. Rossi, forthcoming Management Science.

    “Family Feud: Succession Tournaments and Risk-Taking in Family Firms” with J. Lee and H. Shin, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies (2022).

    “Fiscal Policy, Consumption Risk, and Stock Returns: Evidence from US States” with Z. Da and M. Warachka, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (2018).

    “Industrial Electricity Usage and Stock Returns” with Z. Da and D. Huang, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (2017). William F. Sharpe Award for Scholarship in Financial Research: Best Paper in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.

    “Household Production and Asset Prices” with Z. Da and W. Yang, Management Science (2015).

    “Lottery Tax Windfalls, State-Level Fiscal Policy, and Consumption” with Z. Da and M. Warachka, Economics Letters (2015).

    “Risk Management and Firm Value: Evidence from Weather Derivatives” with F. Perez-Gonzalez, Journal of Finance (2013). Brattle Group Prize (First Prize): Best Corporate Finance Paper in the Journal of Finance.

    “Are Mutual Funds Sitting Ducks?” with S. Shive, Journal of Financial Economics (2013).

    “Negative Hedging: Performance Sensitive Debt and CEOs’ Equity Incentives” with A. Tchistyi and D. Yermack, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (2011).

    “The Choice of Corporate Liquidity and Corporate Governance”, Review of Financial Studies (2009). JPMorgan Young Researcher Prize from the Review of Financial Studies.

    “Matching Bankruptcy Laws to Legal Environments” with K. Ayotte, Journal of Law Economics and Organization (2009).

    “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: The Use of Ethics-Related Terms in 10-K Reports” with T. Loughran and B. McDonald, Journal of Business Ethics (2009).

  • Morad Zekhnini


    “Intangible Capital in Factor Models” with H. Gulen, D. Li, and R. Peters, forthcoming, Management Science.

    “Industry Networks and the Geography of Firm Behavior” with G. William and J. LeSage, Management Science (2022).

    “Financial Integration and Credit Democratization: Linking Banking Deregulation to Economic Growth” with E. Berger, A. Butler, and E. Hu,  Journal of Financial Intermediation (2021).

    “Network Effects in Corporate Financial Policies” with G. William, J. LeSage, and C. Hadlock, Journal of Financial Economics (2021).

    “Safe Minus Risky: Do Investors Pay a Premium for Stocks that Hedge Stock Market Downturns?” with N. Kapadia, B. Ostdiek, and J. Weston, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (2019).

    “Do Idiosyncratic Jumps Matter?” with N. Kapadia, Journal of Financial Economics (2019).

Advisory Board

Members of the Finance Advisory Board contribute to the activities of the Department of Finance in many different ways, such as providing job opportunities (full-time positions and internships), getting involved with the team of students who manage the Student Investment Fund (SIF) and advising the department chair. There are also opportunities to mentor students.

The Finance Advisory Board meets twice annually (typically December and April), and part of each meeting is devoted to discussing the Student Investment Fund’s performance with the student managers and the rationale behind their buys and sells. The Finance Advisory Board’s job is to ask challenging questions and provide advice and insights to advance the student managers’ knowledge.

Current Finance Advisory Board Members

Lisa Beck

  • Finance Executive (Retired)
  • General Motors

William Berry Jr.

  • Vice President, Corporate Controller
  • Stryker

Stephen Calso

  • Vice President, Corporate Finance and Treasury
  • Syniverse

Ralph Carmichael

  • Managing Director
  • Carmichael & Co., LLC

Mary Champagne, CFA

  • Partner (Retired)
  • NorthPointe Capital, Inc.

Dena Elliott

  • Vice President, Investor Relations
  • Stellantis

Michael Finn

  • President
  • Foxen Advisors, LLC

Joseph Gatz, CFA

  • Vice President and Portfolio Manager
  • Loomis Sayles & Company

W. Michael George

  • Managing Director (Retired)
  • Credit Agricole Securities, Inc.

Jay Keranen

  • Managing Director
  • Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

Peter Kurrie

  • Partner
  • Aileron LTD

Stephen Latreille

  • Vice President Finance, Global Texture & Healthful Solutions
  • Ingredion, Inc.

Chrisopher Letts

  • Financial Advisor/Vice President
  • Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

Todd McClain, CFP

  • Partner
  • Plante Moran Financial Advisors, LLC

Jeff McConnell

  • Chief Investment Officer
  • Graystone Consulting

Paul McGrath

  • Vice President of Finance, Financial Planning and Analysis
  • Lear

Michael Schrauben, CFA

  • Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager
  • MERS of Michigan

Nathan Wright

  • Vice President – Senior Underwriter
  • JP Morgan Chase
MSU Finance at The Minskoff Pavilion

The Center for Venture Capital, Private Equity and Entrepreneurial Finance

The Center for Venture Capital, Private Equity and Entrepreneurial Finance (CVCPEEF) integrates financial thinking and strategic decision-making with innovation and entrepreneurship via research and education across the university, and in the venture capital (VC) and private equity (PE) community around the world.


The Financial Analysis Lab provides the opportunity for hands-on training in financial modeling and valuation. The lab’s hardware and software not only emulate a real trading room, but also enable a dynamic instructional setting. The lab is equipped with dual-screen computers and a number of Bloomberg terminals.

Lab Hours and Contact  

The Broad College of Business is a CFA University Affiliation Program Partner of the CFA Institute, a global membership organization that awards the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) designation.

The CFA Program sets a standard for developing the skills, standards, competence, and integrity of financial analysts, portfolio managers, investment advisors, and other investment professionals worldwide. It is widely considered the investment profession’s most rigorous credentialing program.

See Program Benefits  

Full-Time MBA students and undergraduates manage the Student Investment Fund (SIF) as members of the college’s Security Analysis class (FI 457/FI 857). Under the instruction of John Steffen and using the tools of the Financial Analysis Laboratory, the students master the essentials of portfolio management, stock selection and stock performance evaluation. They continuously monitor the fund and ensure that its stated security selection discipline is maintained.

Learn about the SIF  

We are pleased to offer several student scholarship awards.

Learn about the various scholarships  
MSU Finance Meeting 2021

Contact Information

  • Department of Finance
  • Eppley Center
  • 667 N Shaw Ln Rm 315
  • East Lansing, MI 48824
  • Phone: (517) 353-1745