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Upcoming Events

Thursday Oct. 19
Making ethical decisions in any business is complicated and takes courage, understanding the big picture, the goals of an organization or business, and the intellect to think through all the…
Monday Nov. 6
Water is complex, multi-faceted, and intersects with all facets of business in today’s climate. With water crises escalating and water resources under greater stress, leaders need a clear path for…
Friday Nov. 17
Calling all Broad RSO leaders! This is a learning opportunity just for YOU! Join us on Friday, November 17th from 12-1pm for an engaging conversation focused on ensuring your organization…
Tuesday Jan. 23
The Center for Ethical and Socially Responsible Leadership is hosting its first Sustainability Debate on April 12, 2024. Join us to see what this debate format looks like from MSU’s…
Wednesday Jan. 24
Join us for a series of critical conversations on how educators and students can best work together to support MSU students’ disabilities. We will be exploring the ways that all…
Tuesday Feb. 6
Join us to learn from the 6-time author, Karyn Ross for an important conversation about the value and impact kindness has on a leaders team. We will have a conversation…
Wednesday Feb. 7
Join this lunch & learn series to play trivia questions, engaged in a guided conversation about the global impact of music, and to learn about resources in the Broad College…
Wednesday Feb. 14
Join us for a series of critical conversations on how educators and students can best work together to support MSU students who need accommodations. We will be exploring the ways…
Saturday Feb. 17
Join us for our first ever Cultural Outing! Part of being a leader is being curious, learning about new people and cultures, WHILE supporting other student leaders. We will gather…
Wednesday Feb. 21
Join Amy Broglin-Peterson, Faculty in the Supply Chain Management department, to learn all about why ethics matter, how it impacts our daily lives, and the intersection of ethics and work.…