Students talk to corporate recruiters at the 2016 Mock Career Fair
East Lansing, MI – Students of all majors can prepare for the MSU Career Gallery at the Women in Business Mock Career Fair. The Mock Career Fair starts at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, October 3 in the MSU Union Ballroom, Second Floor.
Women in Business Students’ Association (WBSA) hosts this professional event. WBSA welcomes recruiters from more than 20 different corporations. Students practice their elevator speech and get feedback on their confidence, resume and dress.
The event prepares students for the actual Career Gallery on Oct. 4-5, 2017 at the Breslin Student Events Center. The Mock Career Fair imitates the actual Career Gallery to provide students with the opportunity to learn from recruiters, network with Fortune 500 companies, and work through the anxiety.
“We are excited to host another successful event and get students connected with top Fortune 500 company recruiters!” Hannah Crittenden (BA Supply Chain Management ’18), President of Women in Business, said.
Companies attending the Mock Career Fair will be Altria, EY, General Mills, Enterprise, Deloitte, and General Motors, Pepsico and many more.
“The Women in Business Mock Career Fair builds students’ confidence. We are thrilled to help students get internships and full-time employment, ” said Anne Crain, Women in Business advisor.