Native American & Hispanic Business Students created an innovative career event for MSU students. The Professional Development Dinner will give students an opportunity to practice their analytical, public speaking and dining etiquette skills while networking with nine Fortune 500 Companies on Tuesday, January 17, 5 PM, in the Lincoln Room in the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center.

“This event is unique in that it combines two development experiences into one night, while giving the students a chance to work side-by-side with corporate representatives on a relevant business issue,” said Meagan Cortez, President of Native American & Hispanic Business Students and a marketing senior. “During the case study, the corporate representatives actually facilitate a group of five students and are able to see each one work in a professional group setting. After the case is presented and judged, a winning team is chosen and recognized for their hard work. Finally, the night ends with a professional dining etiquette presentation and a full meal..”

Students can win a cash prize in the case competition. The event is free. Students can reserve their spot signing up through a Google Doc:

“Students should attend the NAHBS Professional Development Dinner for two reasons: to enhance their business skills and to network with our corporate sponsors. The event combines the experiences of a team case study and a business etiquette dinner. By combining them, students have the opportunity to develop their teamwork, public speaking, networking, and dining etiquette skills in one night. All of these skills are essential to careers in any field,” said Cortez.