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Upcoming Events

Tuesday Oct. 8
Living Room Conversations offers a simple, sociable and structured way to practice communicating across differences while building understanding and relationships. Rather than debating or convincing others, we take turns talking to share and learn, and be curious. This session focuses on self-care, the trust required to seek help from others, and the effects of learned…
Wednesday Oct. 9
Calling all Broad RSO leaders! This presentation will challenge you to think about risk personally, professionally, and within your role as student leader. Are you making choices based on pressure, personal responsibility, group dynamics, a sense of duty to the organization or are you just checking the box? You will leave with a stronger understanding…
Thursday Oct. 10
Join us to learn from Derek Tang, MSU Alum and Chief Financial Officer at Mallplaza, the largest Chilean mall company and one of the top 15 companies in the Chilean stock exchange. Derek is going to share his leadership journey and his global experience on how investors approach ESG in different markets when they go…
Friday Oct. 11
The Center for Ethical and Socially Responsible Leadership will be hosting Ethics in the New Case Competition for undergraduate students in the Broad College of Business on Friday, October 11th. Teams of 4 students will compete to address all ethical and business implications for a current day ethical situation. Prize money will be awarded to…