Big Changes Ahead for the Master’s in Business Data Science & Analytics Program!
We’re reimagining the future of business data science—and that means exciting enhancements are on the way!
Our program is undergoing a full curriculum review to ensure we stay at the forefront of industry innovation, meet the evolving needs of our students, and integrate the latest cutting-edge technologies.
What’s coming?
✨ Updated groundbreaking curriculum
✨ New, high-impact focus areas
✨ Potential changes in program requirements
✨ Expansion of the application of AI and machine-learning in the curriculum
✨ A streamlined program timeline designed to give you a competitive edge in today’s data-driven market
The next generation of our program is expected to launch in Fall 2026, with applications opening December 2025.
This is your chance to be part of something bigger, bolder, and smarter.
Stay tuned—your future in business data science is about to get even brighter!
Application Information:
To be considered for admission, applicants are expected to have following:
• Four Year Bachelor’s Degree
You must have completed a four-year bachelor’s degree from a recognized educational institution to apply for admission.
• GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) or GRE (Graduate Record Exam) Scores
We only require the unofficial score on your application. The application portal will state that your scores are not received. However, your application will still be reviewed.
M.S. in Business Data Science and Analytics GMAT code: QHO-5P-59. GRE university code: 1465.
• Two Letters of Recommendations
Please arrange to have recommendations from individuals who can support your candidacy for the program. The recommendations should provide evidence of your academic potential and demonstrated abilities as a potential graduate student. You may use academic OR professional references–there is no requirement to have one or the other.
You will input their email addresses into the portal, and they will be sent a link to access the recommendation section.
• Personal Statement
The statement should be limited to two typed, double-spaced pages. Please address the following:
• Video Essay
The application will have a series of rotating video essays. Students will answer one video essay question within the application system.
• Resume
Submit a current resume listing your work, education, and other relevant experiences. A sample format is available for your reference.
• Transcripts
You may upload unofficial transcripts, certificates, and diplomas to the application portal.
Upon admission to the program, please provide one set of officially stamped hard copies or attested copies of transcripts, certificates, and diplomas of all academic work completed in colleges or universities other than MSU. Once received, all official documents become Michigan State University’s property and will not be returned.
Instructions on submitting official documents to the Michigan State University Office of Admissions will be provided upon recommendation for admission to the program.
• Optional Statement
Please ONLY write an optional statement if you have items that need further explanation on your application–significant gaps in employment, negative grade impacts, etc. Do NOT write this to expand on skills already mentioned in your resume or personal statement or mentioned in the certificates section.
There are a few additional requirements for international applicants to the M.S. in Business Data Science & Analytics program: