In January 2018, members of the student-run Spartan Global Development Fund (SGDF) — which offers interest-free microloans to budding entrepreneurs in developing countries — traveled to Guatemala to visit their longstanding field partner in the area, As Green As It Gets.

SGDF’s student members spent their days side-by-side with loan recipients, local experts, and artisans to learn more about the region where SGDF has been extending microloans since 2011.

Since Spartan Global was founded in 2009, it has given out more than $100,000 in microloans (ranging from $25 to $1,300 each) to roughly 2,500 entrepreneurs in 72 different countries, according to the fund.

A recent documentary follows Spartans on the SGDF trip to Guatemala, offering a rich tale of that nation and its people, microlending, Spartan Global, and how today’s Spartans are using tomorrow’s business to make a better world for all. You can watch the video on the Spartan Global YouTube page.