Michigan State University Eli Broad College of Business faculty members Brent Scott and John Hollenbeck have been recognized with career awards from the Academy of Management’s Organizational Behavior Division.
Brent Scott
Scott, an associate professor of management, will receive the Cummings Scholarly Achievement Award. This award honors the achievements of an early- to mid-career scholar in the field of organizational behavior.
Only eight years after receiving his doctorate in organizational behavior from the University of Florida, Scott has garnered 1,251 citations in Web of Science, in which he has an H-index of 16, meaning that he has already published 16 articles with at least 16 citations. On average, his articles are cited 50 times each, demonstrating impact in addition to productivity.
The award committee noted the novelty of Scott’s research questions in new areas, such as popularity and motives for justice and his focus on “issues of time.” His research addresses important questions that have “clear implications for employees’ engagement, home lives, and health,” they conclude.
John Hollenbeck, University Distinguished Professor and Eli Broad Professor of Management, will receive the inaugural Organizational Behavior Mentorship Award, which honors “a scholar who has excelled at helping others progress in achieving their career objectives through moral, social, and intellectual support.”
John Hollenbeck
The award committee noted that Hollenbeck is a natural mentor and demonstrates the importance of mentoring to the profession. He has mentored many students and colleagues who are now leading scholars of organizational behavior—in fact, one nominator noted that it is difficult to read through the field’s leading journals “without linking at least one author back to John.”
Hollenbeck’s prioritization of his students’ learning and professional development is visible in the publications he and they have authored. His 21 doctoral students have produced more than 200 publications in top-tier journals, of which more than 70 percent were published without Hollenbeck as a co-author. His own top-tier publications reflect his collaboration with and professionalization of doctoral students—85 percent are co-authored with former students. In half of the articles, the former doctoral student was the first author.
Scott and Hollenbeck will receive their awards at the Organizational Behavior Division Awards Ceremony and Reception during the Academy of Management meeting in August in Vancouver.