Undergraduate programs at the Broad College have been highly ranked for many years, and the latest numbers from Poets&Quants only strengthen this reputation. The 2021 Best Undergraduate Business Schools rankings, released Tuesday, place Broad in the top 20 for a fifth consecutive year.

An undergraduate student celebrates with Sparty at the Minskoff Pavilion ribbon-cutting event in 2019.
“We are very pleased that the ongoing initiatives related to curricular enhancements and increased student engagement are reflected in these strong ratings of the Broad College undergraduate program,” Cheri Speier-Pero, associate dean for undergraduate programs, said.
Broad was ranked No. 18 among U.S. public schools and No. 40 overall. These standings align with U.S. News & World Report’s 2021 Best Undergraduate Business Program rankings, in which Broad placed No. 14 among public universities and, notably, No. 1 for supply chain management/logistics programs for the 10th consecutive year.
These consistent rankings in the top 20 are one result of the Broad College’s intentional efforts to continually improve the student experience and deliver exceptional opportunities for Spartans.
“The Broad College faculty and staff have been identifying and implementing activities and processes that enhance the skills and experience of our students,” Speier-Pero said. “For example, a recent curricular change ensures that all of our students develop and have opportunities to enhance their analytical skills applying advanced Excel spreadsheet, Tableau visualization and Python programming skills to business problems. At the same time, our Russell Palmer Career Management Center has strengthened student career development and networking opportunities, and our students are already seeing the value in these investments.”
Poets&Quants compiled the 2021 exclusive rankings based on a representative survey of more than 6,100 alumni and school-reported data. Recent grads were surveyed on aspects of faculty availability, extracurricular opportunities and accessibility of the alumni network — consistently evaluating Broad among the best in these areas.
“This year’s ranking assesses three core values of an undergraduate business education: the quality of the admits, what a school does to grow those students over four years and, finally, how the marketplace responds to those graduates,” Poets&Quants project manager Nathan Allen said. “In other words, what’s the quality of the incoming students, how do they view their academic experience and what career outcomes are achieved by the graduating class?”
For more information about the 2021 Best Undergraduate Business Schools ranking, visit PoetsAndQuantsForUndergrads.com.