Parker Decraene, Isabela Calvo, Christopher Horton and Ethan Thomas

Parker Decraene, Isabela Calvo, Christopher Horton and Ethan Thomas at the William Blair Midwest Investment Banking Competition

Congratulations to Financial Markets Institute sophomore scholars Parker Decraene, Isabela Calvo, Christopher Horton and Ethan Thomas for taking first-place honors at William Blair’s Midwest Investment Banking Competition held at the firm’s Chicago headquarters on April 21, 2017. The students prepared and delivered a sell-side pitch to Blair bankers acting as the board of Boulder Brands, a CPG company. The students were selected as the best among a field of nine universities that included the University of Chicago and Big Ten schools Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Northwestern, Ohio State and Wisconsin. The judges complimented the students on both their detailed analysis and professional presentation. A special thanks to scholar alum Eric Van Dam (BA, Finance, ’07; Director, Quarton International) for advising the students.