Doctoral students devote their third, fourth and potentially fifth years in the program to conduct individual research culminating in a doctoral dissertation. Students gain hands-on experience conducting thorough literature reviews; developing and writing conceptual framework and hypotheses development sections; collecting and analyzing data using advanced statistical methods; and supporting why their research is relevant.
Doctoral students in finance have the opportunity to work with some of the leading researchers in the field. Key areas of research within the Ph.D. in Finance department include:
Interacting and collaborating with our outstanding research professionals is one of the key benefits of being a Ph.D. student in the Department of Finance. Published papers that have involved collaboration between Ph.D. students and researchers in the department include (Ph.D. students and graduates in bold):
Chaudhuri, Ranadeb, Zoran Ivković , and Andrei Simonov “What About Nurture? Financial Decision-Making and Growing Up”, working paper.
Grieser, William, Rachel Li, and Andrei Simonov “Integrity, Creativity, and Corporate Culture”, working paper.
Butler, Kirt, Tom O’Brien, and Gwinyai Utete, “A Fresh Look at Cross-Border Valuation and FX Hedging Decisions,” Journal of Applied Finance 23 (2), 2013.