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  • Biography
    Lou (Lewis) Carbone is a globally recognized Pioneer, Keynote Speaker, Expert, Innovator, Influencer, and Thought Leader in Experience Management and Design. Lou originated the concept of Emotional and Unconscious Clue Based Experience Design and Total Experience Management® and a robust proprietary methodology and perspective called Experience Engineering®.  

    Lou Carbone is the founder and CEO of Experience Engineering®, Inc., an experienced management consulting firm, the first of its kind decades ago, based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, working with customer and employee experience management systems. Since the late 1980s, Carbone has continuously been at the forefront of studying, exploring, and developing value creation through experience management and is often referred to as the Godfather of Experience Management. Carbone co-authored the seminal article that launched the Customer Experience Movement, lectured at significant institutions, and published academic papers that have been widely cited.  

    He is recognized as a thought leader in the field as well as an experience management futurist and continuously innovative, hands-on academic/practitioner. He has also held senior positions in major ad agencies and served as the Vice President of Marketing at National Car Rental.  

    He wrote the book “Clued In: How to keep customers coming back, again and again, published by FT Prentice Hall, which won Fast Company’s Reader’s Choice Award.  

    He co-authored in The Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, cited as the best paper of 2014 by Sage Publications on “Sticktion": Assessing Memory for the Customer Experience.”
  • Education
    BA Political Science 1971, Thiel College
  • Courses
    • SES MKT 881: Qualitative Research