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Anne Dohmen

Assistant Professor
Department: Supply Chain Management
  • Biography
    Anne Dohmen received her Ph.D. at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in addition to her master’s degree in agricultural and biosystems engineering from Iowa State University and bachelor’s degrees in electrical engineering and systems engineering from Washington University in St. Louis. Her industry experience includes working for large companies such as Procter & Gamble and General Mills. Dohmen’s research explores how firms can use supply chain planning to improve performance.
  • Education
    Ph.D Supply Chain Management 2024, University of Tennessee
    M.S Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering 2019, Iowa State University
    B.S Systems Engineering, Applied Electrical Engineering 2013, Washington University in St. Louis
  • Publications
    Dohmen, A.E., Merrick, J.R.W., Saunders, L.W., Stank, T.P., Goldsby, T.J., 2023. When preemptive risk mitigation is insufficient: The effectiveness of continuity and resilience techniques during COVID-19. Production and Operations Management 32, 1529–1549.

    Stank, T.P., Dohmen, A.E., Saunders, L.W., Merrick, J.R.W., Goldsby, T.J., 2022. Applying agility to improve customer performance when supply and demand vary from core conditions. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 52, 722–744.

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