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Hanyong Park

Assistant Professor
Department: Marketing
North Business Building
632 Bogue St Rm N342
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: (517) 432-6469
  • Publications
    Hanyong Park, Ashok K. Lalwani, and David H. Silvera (2020), “The Impact of Resource Scarcity on Price-Quality Judgments,” Journal of Consumer Research, 46(6), 1110-1124.

    Hanyong Park and JaeHwan Kwon, "The Numerical Precision Effect: How Precision of Attribute Information Affects Adoption of New Technology Products (2022)", Journal of Consumer Psychology, 32(1), 69-76.

    Hanyong Park, JaeHwan Kwon, and Rajesh Bagchi, “Is ‘4 for $16’ Better than ‘4 for $15.30’? The Price Divisibility Effect in Multipack Purchases,” Forthcoming, Journal of Consumer Research.
  • Courses
    • MKT 912: Seminar in Buyer Behavior
    • MKT 302: Consumer Behavior