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Petroni, Ryan and Wahlen. (2000). Discretionary and Non-Discretionary Revisions of Loss Reserves by Property-Casualty Insurers: Differential Implications for Future Profitability, Risk and Market Value. Review of Accounting Studies. 5: 2. 95-125.
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Ke, Petroni, and Safieddine. (1999 December). Ownership Concentration and Sensitivity of Executive Pay to Accounting Performance Measures: Evidence from Publicly and Privately-held Insurance Companies. Journal of Accounting and Economics. 185-209.
Godwin, Petroni, and Wahlen. (1998). Fair Value Accounting for Property-Liability Insurers and Classification Decisions under SFAS 115. Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance. Summer. 207-239.
Ke, Outslay, and Petroni. (1998). Taxes as a Determinant of Foreign-Owned Property-Liability Insurers"™ Investment Strategies in the United States. Journal of the American Taxation Association. 25-36.
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Petroni and Wahlen. (1995 December). The Impact of Fair Value Accounting for Investment Securities on Share Prices of Property-Liability Insurance Companies. The Journal of Risk and Insurance. 719-737.
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