Carlsson, J., Lim, S.F.W.T., Liu, S. and Yu, H. 2024. Data-driven delivery zoning for last-mile logistics.
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (Under revision after major revision decision).
Zhao, Y., Luo, Z., Lim, S.F.W.T., Chen, C. and Sim, M. 2024. Service oriented considerate routing: Data, predictions and robust decisions.
Management Science (Under revision after major revision decision).
Huang, J., Lim, S.F.W.T. and Akturk, M.S. 2024. Third-party delivery platforms.
Management Science (Under revision after reject and resubmit decision).
Akturk, S., Chintapalli, P. and Lim, S.F.W.T. 2024. Return window and opportunistic consumers in retail.
Productions and Operations Management (Under revision after major revision decision).Article
Wang, L., Lim, S.F.W.T.
and Rabinovich, E. 2024. Stem distance and impact on courier choices. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (Under revision after reject and resubmit decision`).
Lim, S.F.W.T., Rabinovich, E., Lee, S. and Park, S. 2025. Estimating stockout costs and optimal stockout rates: A case on the management of ugly produce inventory.
Management Science, forthcoming.
Lim, S.F.W.T. 2024. Cutting last-mile delivery costs: New tactics can boost profitability and satisfaction with subscription services
. MIT Sloan Management Review, 66(2): 15–17.Article
Lim, S.F.W.T.,
Gao, F. and Tan, T.F. 2024. Channel changes choice: An empirical study about omnichannel demand sensitivity to fulfillment lead time. Management Science, 70(5): 2954–2975.Article
Lim, S.F.W.T. 2023. Research: Why so many packages don’t get delivered
Harvard Business Review. Available at
Lim, S.F.W.T., Wang, Q. and Webster, S. 2023. Do it right the first time: Vehicle routing with home delivery attempt predictors.
Production and Operations Management, 32(4): 1262–1284.
Lim, S.F.W.T., Richards, T.J., Rabinovich, E. and Choi, M. 2022. Scan based trading and bargaining equilibrium: A structural estimation of supply chain profit. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 24(4): 2328–2348.
Lim, S.F.W.T., Rabinovich, E., Park, S. and Hwang, M. 2021. Shopping activity at warehouse club stores and its competitive and network density implications.
Production and Operations Management, 30(1): 28–46.
Lim, S.F.W.T. and Winkenbach, M. 2019. Configuring the last-mile in business-to-consumer e-retailing.
California Management Review, 61(2): 132–154.