Spink, John W (2019). Food Fraud Prevention – Introduction, Implementation, and
Management, Food Microbiology and Food Safety
series, Springer Publishing, New York, eBook ISBN 978-1-4939-9621-6, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-9621-6,
Hardcover ISBN 978-1-4939-9619-3, Edition Number 1,Number of Pages XIX, 591 [Online
version available October 18, 2019]Article
Spink, John, Bedard, Brian, Bruner, Leon, Keogh, John, Scimeca,
Joseph, Goodridge, Lawrence, Moyer, Douglas C, & Vasan, Akila (2019). International Survey of Food Fraud and related Terminology:
Preliminary Results and Discussion, Journal
of Food Science, 00(00), 00-00.
(SJR 0.87, ISI
#[J2] ; 72% & 70/255 in Food Science) [Revision January 25,
2019]; Co-author Affiliation: Bedard, Bruner & Vasan – Grocery
Manufacturer’s Association (GMA); Keogh – University of Reading (UK); Scimeca –
Cargill Incorporated; Goodridge – University of McGill (Canada); Moyer – MSU
CHM/ Public Health. Article
Spink, John, Bedard, Brian, Bruner, Leon, Keogh, John, Scimeca,
Joseph, Goodridge, Lawrence, Moyer, Douglas C, & Vasan, Akila (2019). International Survey of Food Fraud and related Terminology:
Preliminary Results and Discussion, Journal
of Food Science, 00(00), 00-00.
(SJR 0.87, ISI
#[J2] ; 72% & 70/255 in Food Science) [Revision January 25,
2019]; Co-author Affiliation: Bedard, Bruner & Vasan – Grocery
Manufacturer’s Association (GMA); Keogh – University of Reading (UK); Scimeca –
Cargill Incorporated; Goodridge – University of McGill (Canada); Moyer – MSU
CHM/ Public Health. Article
1. Spink, John; Embarek Peter Ben; Joseph
Savelli, Carmen; & Bradshaw, Adam ([J1] 2019). Global perspectives on food fraud:
results from a WHO survey of members of the International Food Safety
Authorities Network (INFOSAN), Science
of Food Journal (NPJ, Nature), 3(12), Pages 1-5 (SJR pending; ISI
pending; rank & position in food science) [Available on-line July 187, 2019], Co-author
Affiliation: Embarek, Savelli, & Bradshaw – World Health Organization/
Spink, John (2019). The Current State of Food Fraud
Prevention: Overview and Requirements to Address “How to Start?” and “How Much is Enough?”, Current
Opinions in Food Science (COFS), 00(00), 00-00 [J1] [Available online June 15, 2019[J2] , In Press; Submitted January 22, 2019]
(SJR 1.166, ISI:
#; [J3] rank: 90% & 26/255) Article
Spink, John; Zhang, Guangtao; & Chen, Weina; (2019). Introducing
the Food Fraud Prevention Cycle (FFPC): A Dynamic Information Management and
Strategic Roadmap, Food Control, 105(November 2019), 233-241
[Available online June 3, 2019]. Co-author Affiliation: Zhang & Chen – Mars
Incorporated (China); Speier-Pero – MSU School of Business. Supply Chain
Spink, John; Zhang, Guangtao; & Chen, Weina; (2019). Introducing
the Food Fraud Prevention Cycle (FFPC): A Dynamic Information Management and
Strategic Roadmap, Food Control, 105(November 2019), 233-241
[Available online June 3, 2019]. Co-author Affiliation: Zhang & Chen – Mars
Incorporated (China); Speier-Pero – MSU School of Business. Supply Chain
Cadieux, B, Goodridge, LD, & Spink, J (2019). Gap
analysis of the Canadian food fraud regulatory oversight and recommendations
for improvement, Food Control Journal, 00(00), pages 00-00 Food Control (SJR
1.502, ISI #; Percentile 95% & 13/255 in food science) [Submitted October
25, 2018, Accepted January 25, 2019]; Co-author Affiliation: Cadieux &
Goodridge – McGill University (Canada).Article
Spink, John, Elliott,
Christopher, Dean, Moira, Speier-Pero, Cheri, (2019). Fraud Data Collection Needs Survey, NPJ Science of Food, 3(1), Pages 1-8 [Available on-line May 16,
2019] (SJR is pending, ISI pending; rank & position in food science pending);
Co-author Affiliation: Elliott & Dean – Queen’s University Belfast (NI,
UK), Speier Pero – MSU Supply Chain Department/ Business.Article
Spink, John, Elliott,
Christopher, Dean, Moira, Speier-Pero, Cheri, (2019). Fraud Data Collection Needs Survey, NPJ Science of Food, 3(1), Pages 1-8 [Available on-line May 16,
2019] (SJR is pending, ISI pending; rank & position in food science pending);
Co-author Affiliation: Elliott & Dean – Queen’s University Belfast (NI,
UK), Speier Pero – MSU Supply Chain Department/ Business.Article
Spink, John, Elliott,
Christopher, Dean, Moira, Speier-Pero, Cheri, (2019). Fraud Data Collection Needs Survey, NPJ Science of Food, 3(1), Pages 1-8 [Available on-line May 16,
2019] (SJR is pending, ISI pending; rank & position in food science pending);
Co-author Affiliation: Elliott & Dean – Queen’s University Belfast (NI,
UK), Speier Pero – MSU Supply Chain Department/ Business.Article
Spink, John, Hegarty, P. Vincent,
Fortin, N.D., Elliott, Christopher T., & Moyer, D.C. (2019). The Application of Public Policy Theory
to the Emerging Food Fraud Risk: Next Steps, Trends in Food Science & Technology
(TIFS), 85 (March 2019), 116-128. (SJR 2.334, ISI #; 99% & 3/255 in food science), Co-author
Affiliation: Hegarty & Fortin – MSU Agriculture & Law, Elliott –
Queen’s University Belfast (NI, UK), Moyer – MSU Department of Public HealthArticle
Spink, J. W. (2023). The GFSI food fraud prevention compliance development & requirements: A ten-year review.
Trends in Food Science & Technology.In collection
Spink, J. W. (2021). Food fraud criminology. In
Food Fraud (pp. 69-83). Academic Press.