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Recruit your talent at Broad.

The career management team at Broad will partner with you to develop a customized plan to establish, grow or maintain your company’s presence with Broad’s MBA, master’s and undergraduate students. Engage with your prospective employees via campus opportunities, virtual recruitment and in-person interviews.

Build a Presence

Our employer relations team within the Russell Palmer Career Management Center supports all Broad students: Full-Time MBA, Specialty Master’s and Undergraduate. We are well prepared to build connections between our exceptional undergraduate and graduate students and employers looking to raise the level of talent in their organizations.

Your Brand on Campus

Looking for innovative ways to enhance your campus recruiting efforts? Beyond traditional recruiting activities such as job postings and career fairs, MSU offers a wide variety of other opportunities to personalize your strategy and enhance your organization’s visibility on campus. Meet with one of our recruiting managers to have a strategic, customized branding session to maximize your return on investment on campus. Contact to schedule an appointment.

Meet the Employer Relations Team

kristina reitler                     

Kristina Reitler                                    Taylor Bates                                   Taylor Flewelling                                      Penni Vandecar

  Connect with the team here  

Strategic Recruiting Opportunities and Engagement

MSU Careers in Business Series – Accounting & Finance Career Fair, Marketing & Management Career Fair, Supply Chain Management Career Fair, All Majors Career Fair

MSU MBA/Business Data Science & Analytics Virtual Career Fair

MSU Virtual Marketing Research and Business Data Science & Analytics Fair

MSU Virtual Information Technology Mixer

MSU Supply Chain Management MBA/Business Data Science & Analytics Mixer

Broad Corporate Mixers

MSU Broad Early Talent Mock Career Fair

Michigan State University business career fairs and recruiting events hosted by the Palmer Center are only open to Michigan State students.

  • Utilize Handshake to post job opportunities (internship, part-time, full-time, etc.)
  • Schedule networking information tables
  • Host evening corporate presentations
  • Access conference room space to host students for open office hours
  • Participate in on-campus and/or virtual career fairs
  • Connect with student organizations for function- or industry-specific activities
  • Sponsor an invitation-only event or a trek to your company
  • Reserve on site interview suites
  • Host on site campus recruiting event
  • Connect with early talent through the Residential Business Community (RBC)
  • Engage with a diverse population of students through Multicultural Business Programs (MBP)

Handshake is our online recruiting platform that connects MSU students with employers and alumni. Handshake offers a variety of powerful tools for employers:

  • Multi-school job posting
  • Powerful applicant filtering
  • On-campus recruiting schedules
  • Career fair management
  • Employer event hosting

Upcoming Events

Premier Palmer Partnership

Experience the benefits of establishing a strong campus brand and highlight your company’s strengths through career-related events, interaction, and activities.

Enjoy exclusive student engagement opportunities through contributions as a Premier Palmer Partner. Participating will provide your organization additional visibility, exclusive benefits, bundled savings, and branding value while contributing to critical efforts that support 6,000 students in the Broad College community!

Connect with Kristina Reitler to learn more.

Prepare for Your Visit

Interview and Job Acceptance Policies

No-Show/Late Cancellation Policy

Late cancellations or missed interviews are a hindrance to student success and leave a negative impact on Michigan State University and its relationships with employers. The following policy addresses this concern and the serious implications resulting from a late cancellation or a no-show.

No Show/Late Cancellation Policy

Falsification of Information Policy

Students registering and submitting resumes on Handshake certify that the information is truthful and accurate.

Falsification of Information Policy

Employer Internship Guide

Internships provide an excellent opportunity for employers and students to connect in a meaningful manner. Students gain valuable hands-on experience, application and expansion of knowledge obtained in a classroom, opportunity to explore potential career outcomes, and work in a professional environment. To provide an employer and student mutually beneficial experience, we ask that you review the following information pertaining to employers during the internship experience.

Employer Internship Guide

Employment Offer Policies

Michigan State University and the Broad College of Business understand that the recruiting process consists of stringent deadlines for both the employer and students. It is the University’s position that students make the best decisions when offered the opportunity to evaluate all of their options and seek appropriate couns

Employment Offer Guidelines

Renege Policy

A job acceptance is a major commitment to a new employer. Students should only make this type of commitment if they intend to honor it. Reneging is accepting a job offer from a second company while declining an already accepted job offer from the first company. This can severely damage a person’s reputation, not only in the short term, but also for the duration of a career. Reneging also has negative implications on the university’s relationships with the affected employer and can affect opportunities for other MSU students. The university does not sanction a renege situation on students’ parts for any reason. Students are encouraged to carefully review the reneging policy before accepting any job offers.

Renege Policy

Internship Expectations for Employers

When providing an internship to a Michigan State University student, either for credit or not credit, it is expected that employers adhere to Michigan State University’s internship expectations for employers.

Internship Expectations for Employers

Code of Conduct

Recruiters are obliged to behave in a respectful manner towards the Russell Palmer Career Management Center student assistants and staff, to help maintain a climate of friendliness and harmony, and to strictly refrain from any kind of discriminatory behavior, harassment or victimization.

All recruiters are expected to treat other visitors in the center as fellow professionals. It is important to respect others’ work and efforts.

All recruiters should treat the Palmer Center’s property, whether material or intangible, with respect and care. Palmer Center equipment must not be misused or used frivolously. When leaving a space, it is encouraged to leave things in a manner better than originally found.

Closing time is 5 p.m. Please be prepared to exit at this time. Most nights, our student assistants are closing the Palmer Center and need to leave to attend to their studies. We would like to be respectful of their time. If you need to debrief with your team, there are locations in the Broad College of Business that can be utilized after hours. Please inquire with the staff.

Contact Information

  • Russell Palmer Career Management Center
  • Minskoff Pavilion
  • 651 N Shaw Ln Rm M120
  • East Lansing, MI 48824
  • Phone: (517) 432-0830
  • Senior Associate Director, Consulting Career Initiatives
  • Adam Merrill
  • Phone: (517) 432-6166