Matta, F. K., Scott, B. A., Colquitt, J. A., Koopman, J., & Passantino, L. (2017). Is consistently fair better than sporadically fair? An investigation of justice variability and stress. Academy of Management Journal, 60, 743-770.Article
Koopman, J., Lanaj, K., & Scott, B. A. (2016). Integrating the bright and dark sides of OCB: A daily investigation of the benefits and costs of helping others. Academy of Management Journal, 59, 414-435.Article
Koopman, J., Matta, F. K., Scott, B. A., & Conlon, D. E. (2015). Ingratiation and popularity as antecedents of justice: A social exchange and social capital perspective. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 131, 132-148.Article
Matta, F. K., Scott, B. A., Conlon, D. E., & Koopman, J. (2015). Does seeing “eye to eye” affect work engagement and OCB? A role theory perspective on LMX agreement. Academy of Management Journal, 58, 1686-1708. Article
Scott, B. A., Garza, A., Conlon, D. E., & Kim, Y. J. (2014). Why do managers act fairly in the first place? A daily investigation of “hot” and “cold” motives and discretion. Academy of Management Journal, 57, 1571-1591.Article
Wagner, D. T., Barnes, C. M., & Scott, B. A. (2014). Driving it home: How workplace emotional labor harms employee home life. Personnel Psychology, 67, 487-516.Article
DePater, I., Judge, T. A., & Scott, B. A. (2014). Age, gender, and compensation: A study of Hollywood movie stars. Journal of Management Inquiry, 1-14.Article
Scott, B. A. (2013). A conceptual framework for the study of popularity in the workplace. Organizational Psychology Review, 3, 160-185.Article
Colquitt, J. A., Scott, B. A., Rodell, J. B., Long, D. M., Zapata, C. P., Conlon, D. E., & Wesson, M. J. (2013). Justice at the millennium, a decade later: A meta-analytic test of social exchange and affect-based perspectives. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98, 199-236. Article
Scott, B. A., & Judge, T. A. (2013). Beauty, personality and affect as antecedents of counterproductive work behavior receipt. Human Performance, 26, 93-113. Article
Barnes, C. M., Ghumman, S., & Scott, B. A. (2013). Sleep and organizational citizenship behavior: The mediating role of job satisfaction. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 18, 16-26. Article
Scott, B., Barnes, C. M., & Wagner, D. T. (2012). Chameleonic or consistent? A multilevel investigation of emotional labor variability and self-monitoring. Academy of Management Journal, 55, 905-926.Article
Lyons, B. J., & Scott, B. A. (2012). Integrating social exchange and affective explanations for the receipt of help and harm: A social network approach. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 117, 66-79. Article
Johnson, R. E., & Scott, B. A. (2012). Learning agility requires proper action identification. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 5, 309-312. Article
Ilies, R., Keeney, J., & Scott, B. A. (2011). Work-family interpersonal capitalization: Sharing positive work events at home. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 114, 115-126. Article
Dimotakis, N., Scott, B. A., & Koopman, J. (2011).
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Scott, B. A., & Barnes, C. M. (2011). A multilevel field investigation of emotional labor, affect, work withdrawal, and gender. Academy of Management Journal, 54, 116-136.Article
Scott, B. A., Colquitt, J. A., Paddock, E. L., & Judge, T. A. (2010). A daily investigation of the role of manager empathy on employee well-being. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 113, 127-140.Article
Scott, B. A., Colquitt, J. A., & Paddock, E. L. (2009). An actor-focused model of justice rule adherence and violation: The role of managerial motives and discretion. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94, 756-769.Article
Scott, B. A., & Judge, T. A. (2009). The popularity contest at work: Who wins, why, and what do they receive? Journal of Applied Psychology, 94, 20-33.Article
Kammeyer-Mueller, J. D., Judge, T. A., & Scott, B. A. (2009). The role of core self-evaluations in the coping process. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94, 177-195.Article
Zapata-Phelan, C. P., Colquitt, J. A., Scott, B. A., & Livingston, B. (2009). Procedural justice, interactional justice, and task performance: The mediating role of intrinsic motivation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 108, 93-105.Article
Colquitt, J. A., Scott, B. A., & LePine, J. A. (2007). Trust, trustworthiness, and trust propensity: A meta-analytic examination of their unique relationships with risk-taking and job performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 909-927.Article
Judge, T. A., Jackson, C. L., Shaw, J. C., Scott, B. A., & Rich, B. L. (2007). Self-efficacy and work-related performance: The integral role of individual differences. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 107-127.Article
Scott, B. A., & Colquitt, J. A. (2007). Are organizational justice effects bounded by individual differences? An examination of equity sensitivity, exchange ideology, and the Big Five. Group and Organization Management, 32, 290-325.Article
Ilies, R., Scott, B. A., & Judge, T. A. (2006). The interactive effects of personal traits and experienced states on intraindividual patterns of citizenship behavior. Academy of Management Journal, 49, 561-575. Article
Judge, T. A., Scott, B. A., & Ilies, R. (2006). Hostility, job attitudes, and workplace deviance: Test of a multilevel model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91, 126-138. Article
Colquitt, J. A., Scott, B. A., Judge, T. A., & Shaw, J. C. (2006). Justice and personality: Using integrative theories to derive moderators of justice effects. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 100, 110-127.Article
Scott, B. A., Colquitt, J. A., & Zapata-Phelan, C. P. (2007). Justice as a dependent variable: Subordinate charisma as a predictor of interpersonal and informational justice perceptions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 1597-1609.Article
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Judge, T. A., Ilies, R., & Scott, B. A. (2006). Work-family conflict and emotions: Effects at work and at home. Personnel Psychology, 59, 779-814. Article
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Johnson, R. E., King, D. D., Lin, S.-H., Scott, B. A., Jackson Walker, E. M., & Wang, M. (2017). Regulatory focus trickle-down: How leader regulatory focus shapes follower regulatory focus and behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 140, 29-45.Article
Johnson, R. E., King, D. D., Lin, S.-H., Scott, B. A., Jackson Walker, E. M., & Wang, M. (2017). Regulatory focus trickle-down: How leader regulatory focus shapes follower regulatory focus and behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 140, 29-45.In collection
Colquitt, J. A., Greenberg, J., & Scott, B. A. (2005). Organizational justice: Where do we stand? In J. Greenberg & J. A. Colquitt (Eds.), The handbook of organizational justice (pp. 589-619). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. In collection
Judge, T. A., & Scott, B. A. (2005). Five-factor model of personality. In N. Nicholson, P. Audia, & M. Pillutla (Eds.), Encyclopedic dictionary of organizational behavior. Oxford: Blackwell. Article
Hong, M., Barnes, C. M., & Scott, B. A. (2017). Collateral Damage from the Show: Emotional Labor and Unethical Behavior. Business Ethics Quarterly, 27, 513-540.Article
Gabriel, A. S., Podsakoff, N. P., Beal, D. J., Scott, B. A., Sonnentag, S., Trougakos, J. P., & Butts, M. M. (2019). Experience sampling methods: A discussion of critical trends and considerations for scholarly advancement. Organizational Research Methods, 22, 969-1006.Article
Lin, S.-H., Scott, B. A., & Matta, F. K. 2019. The dark side of transformational leader behaviors for leaders themselves: A conservation of resources perspective. Academy of Management Journal, 62: 1556-1582.
Lennard, A. C., Scott, B. A., & Johnson, R. E. (2019). Turning frowns (and smiles) upside down: A multilevel examination of surface acting positive and negative emotions on well-being. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104, 1164-1180.Article
Koopman, J., Matta, F. K., Scott, B. A., Conlon, D. E., & Dennerlein, T. 2019. Ethical Leadership as a Substitute for Justice Enactment: An Information-Processing Perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104: 1103-1116.