Dale Carnegie started a movement in the last century that is dedicated to helping people become their best selves. He continues to influence the lives and education of students in The School of Hospitality Business at Michigan State.
On December 1, six carefully-selected students graduated from the Dale Carnegie Course offered in Lansing, MI. Their enrollments were funded by generous alumni and a specified endowment in The School.

Seated, left to right: Sierrah Macocha (BA ’16), Katherine Crawford (BA ’18), Madison Skornicka (BA ’19), Mackenzie Sappe (BA ’18), and Bruce Tan (MS ’18); Standing: Master Instructor Phil Zeller (BA ’96), Instructor Mark Eddy, Matthew Anderson (BA ’09), and Ron Cichy (BA ’72, MBA ’77)
Indeed, for the past four years, several students have been selected each Fall and Spring to enroll in the 12-week Dale Carnegie Course. In addition, each Fall, a custom-designed Dale Carnegie Professional Development Program is offered on one Saturday morning, involving nearly 40 students, all of whom are leaders in The School’s many industry-related clubs and events.
“We value the ability of the Dale Carnegie Course to help our students hone their communication, learn effective ‘people’ techniques, and handle the stress in their lives,” says Dr. Ron Cichy, who spearheads The School’s Dale Carnegie efforts.
The students themselves were effusive about the ways in which the course had already improved their lives.
Katherine Crawford (BA ’18) says “I am no longer afraid to speak in front of an audience. My self-confidence has sky-rocketed.” And as heart of the house director for Les Gourmets 2017, she says, “I now possess the means to better persuade others to see my point of view and to better relate to them. I am able to contribute more to all of my organizations and college as a whole.”
For Sierrah Macocha (BA ’16), one of the greatest benefits was handling the stress of being a last-semester senior while searching for her ideal organization. “I’ve used the Dale Carnegie tools to get through the stress and not let it consume me.” Sierrah is a classroom assistant in The School, and a member of Eta Sigma Delta, the hospitality honor society. Her grandparents, Ron and Nancy, are 1983 Dale Carnegie graduates, and they, along with her parents Lisa and Michael, were able to attend the graduation celebration with Sierrah!
Bruce Tan (MS ’18) is a graduate student and a member of The School’s Real Estate Investment Club (REIC) and Club Managers of America Association (CMAA). He had a unique perspective on what he learned. “Apparently I did not realize the importance and the value of expressing sincere appreciation to others, and the positive outcomes this action could bring to me both personally and professionally.” But Bruce also discussed the value of the “memory skills” and communication techniques, as well as the tools he learned that help reduce worry and stress. He notes, “I get all the facts, create a schedule, and have a plan for all the work I need to complete. More importantly, I put enthusiasm into my research and presentations.”
Another graduate, Madison Skornicka (BA ’19) was succinct: “The course built my self-confidence and strengthened my ability to speak in public. Beyond that, I learned through all the experiences of my classmates the many ways to use the Dale Carnegie principles in every aspect of my life, professional and personal. Additionally, I am constantly reminding myself of the Dale Carnegie words, ‘Don’t condemn, criticize, or complain.’” Madison is a co-director of corporate ambassadors for this year’s CAREER EXPO, secretary for CMAA, and front of the house director for Les Gourmets 2017.
Clearly, even students who are already accomplished and active find the Dale Carnegie Course to be a most valuable addition to their education and their lives. Six more students from The School are enrolled for Spring semester. The influence grows.
School Alumnus and Dale Carnegie endowment co-creator Matthew D. Anderson (BA ’09) says, “This course is filled with lifelong improvement skills. Students who take the Dale Carnegie PDP and Dale Carnegie Course while in college have a competitive advantage throughout their careers,” he added, “and throughout life.”