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The management faculty at the Eli Broad College of Business at Michigan State University are among the most productive in the world, frequently publishing in the field’s top journals. Many have been the recipients of awards for contributions to science, teaching and mentorship. Our faculty also have held (or currently hold) editorial positions at the field’s top journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Personnel Psychology.

Meet our faculty currently working with Ph.D. students in the management doctoral program below.

Organizational Behavior/Human Resource Management Faculty

profile photo of Dorothy Carter

Dorothy Carter

  • Associate Professor

Research Expertise

Leadership, teamwork, and multiteam systems.

profile photo of Nicholas Hays

Nicholas Hays

  • Associate Professor
  • Main Street Capital Corporation Endowed Faculty in Business Fellow

Research Expertise

Social hierarchy, power, status, conflict, competition, ethics, decision-making. Nick talks about his research here

profile photo of John Hollenbeck

John Hollenbeck

  • Associate Dean of Research
    Dean's Office
  • Eli Broad University Professor of Business

Research Expertise

Team decision making and performance, self-regulation theories of work motivation, employee separation and acquisition processes. John talks about his research here

profile photo of Russell Johnson

Russell Johnson

  • MSU Foundation Professorship

Research Expertise

Motivation, leadership, organizational justice, organizational commitment, employee-self-concept, implicit information processing, emotion. Russell talks about his research here

profile photo of Ji Koung Kim

Ji Koung Kim

  • Assistant Professor

Research Expertise

Organizational behavior, impression management and social evaluations, social exchange, and the future of work.

profile photo of Frederick Morgeson

Frederick Morgeson

  • Eli Broad Professor of Management

Research Expertise

Leadership, job and work analysis, selection. Fred talks about his research here

profile photo of Quinetta Roberson

Quinetta Roberson

  • John A. Hannah Professor of Organizational Behavior

Research Expertise

Diversity and firm performance, diversity training, inclusion and inclusive leadership, organizational justice

profile photo of Brent Scott

Brent Scott

  • Frederick S. Addy Distinguished Professor

Research Expertise

Mood and emotion, organizational justice, employee well-being. Brent talks about his research here

profile photo of John Wagner

John Wagner

  • Professor

Research Expertise

Organizational behavior and organization theory; effects of organization and subunit size, and member participation, collectivism and emotion processes on performance and cooperation in the workplace. John talks about his research here

profile photo of Christy Zhou Koval

Christy Zhou Koval

  • Assistant Professor

Research Expertise

Gender and leadership, diversity and inclusion, stereotyping and bias, intergroup relations. Christy talks about her research here

Strategic Management Faculty

profile photo of Shelby Gai

Shelby Gai

  • Assistant Professor

Research Expertise

Strategic management and organizational theory, corporate governance, board design, board committees. Shelby talks about her research here

profile photo of Gerry McNamara

Gerry McNamara

  • John H. McConnell Professor in Business Administration

Research Expertise

Strategic decision-making, organizational risk taking, strategic positioning within markets, mergers and acquisitions. Gerry talks about his research here

profile photo of Kent Miller

Kent Miller

  • Chairperson
  • Professor

Research Expertise

Strategic management, organizational learning and change, routines, risk management, computational modeling, research methods

Michael Mannor headshot

Michael J. Mannor

  • John F. O’Shaughnessy Associate Professor of Family Enterprise
  • Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame

Personal friends and mentors

My time in the management Ph.D. program at Michigan State was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. The management department is among the best in the world in research productivity and yet largely defines itself through its ability to develop and launch new scholars into the field. This combination of productivity and developmental focus is rare and a major reason why every Ph.D. alum you talk to will give the department glowing reviews. Further, you’ll find these Ph.D. alums in many of the other top management departments in the world, from Cornell to Michigan to Arizona State, from London to Washington to Singapore, and everywhere in between. The work is challenging and the faculty has high expectations for every student. However, the placement record of the department, the quality of the research mentorship and the professional network are second to none.

Another reason why the management department at Michigan State is so special is because of the relationships developed between faculty and Ph.D. students. From the first day a new student arrives in East Lansing, they are treated more like colleagues than students. Unlike other programs where students can be assigned into rigid mentor specific roles that force new students to focus their time with a specific faculty member, Michigan State has fostered more of a type of free-market system that encourages students to build relationships with multiple faculty. Further, due to the strength of both its strategy and OB groups, Michigan State is uniquely positioned to produce well-rounded scholars that can be specialists or boundary spanners. Over the course of my time at MSU, I worked with many different faculty members and now count them all as personal friends as well as mentors. Though the work was tough and relentless, I greatly enjoyed the happy hours, fantasy football (which I happened to dominate) and 11:30 lunch train. This mix of work hard / play hard was the perfect combination for me. In a department of heavy hitters and rising stars, full of journal editors, academic association leaders (Academy of Management / SMS / APA / SIOP) and many of the most productive scholars in the field, there remained a good focus on balancing work and fun.

For all of these reasons, and many more, I highly recommend Michigan State.

Michael J. Mannor, Ph.D.
John F. O’Shaughnessy Associate Professor of Family Enterprise
University of Notre Dame
365 Mendoza College of Business
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Phone: (574) 631-3298

Dr. Mannor’s research primarily focuses on how the personality and biases of top executives help and hurt organizations in their pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage.

Anne O

Anne M. O’Leary-Kelly

  • Professor and Senior Associate Dean
  • William R. & Cacilia Howard Chair in Management
  • Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas

Intellectually exciting and engaging

I cannot imagine a better start to my academic career.

The final task in writing a doctoral dissertation is to compose an acknowledgements section. This is the place where the new Ph.D. expresses “thank yous” to folks who facilitated the long journey that he or she just completed. In reflecting on my experience in the doctoral program in the Department of Management at MSU, I looked back to see what I had written in my acknowledgements section when I completed my Ph.D. over 15 years ago. Appropriately, my parting words were “It’s time to move on. I am ready. I am sorry.”

Even after 15 years, I feel these words are apt descriptors of my experience at MSU. I knew it was “time to move on” because my faculty mentors never let me forget that the ultimate goal was to keep focused and complete the degree. I was “ready” in that the department had given me the knowledge and tools to ensure a successful career if I gave it my best effort. I was “sorry” because I had enjoyed so much the experience of knowing and working with my friends and mentors at MSU. These were among the most intensive work years of my life, and they also were among the most intellectually exciting and engaging. I cannot imagine a better start to my academic career.

Dr. O’Leary’s current research interests are aggressive behavior in the work place (violence, sexual harassment) and individual attachments to work organizations (psychological contracts, organizational and professional identification)

She has held previous academic positions in the Department of Management at Texas A&M University and in the Department of Management and Marketing at the University of Dayton. Her publications have appeared in the Journal of Applied Psychology, Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management Inquiry, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Human Resource Development Quarterly.