K Ravindran, A Susarla, D Mani and V Gurbaxani “Social
Capital, Reputation and Contract Design in Buyer-Supplier Networks for
Information Technology Outsourcing,”
June 2015, Information
Systems Research, 26(2): 379- 397
A Susarla, J
Oh, Y Tan, "Influentials, Imitables or Susceptibles? Virality and
Word of Mouth Conversations in Online Social Networks," forthcoming, Journal of Management Information Systems
A Susarla, "Contractual Flexibility, Rent Seeking and Renegotiation Design: An Empirical Analysis of Information Technology Outsourcing Contracts," Management Science, July 2012, 58(7): 1388-1407
A Susarla, J Oh and Y Tan, "Social Networks and the Diffusion of User-Generated Content: Evidence from YouTube," Information Systems Research, March 2012, 23(1): 23-41
A Susarla and A Barua, "Contracting Efficiency and New Firm Survival in Markets Enabled by Information Technology," Information Systems Research, June 2011, 22(2): 306-324
A Susarla, A Barua and A. B. Whinston, "Multitask Agency, Modular Architecture and Task Disaggregation in SaaS," Journal of Management Information Systems, Spring 2010, 26(4): 89"“119
A Susarla, R Subramanyam and P Karhade, "Contractual Provisions to Mitigate Holdup: Evidence from Information Technology Outsourcing," Information Systems Research, March 2010, 21(1): 37-55
A Susarla, A Barua and A. B. Whinston, "A Transaction Cost Perspective of the "Software as a Service" Business Model," Journal of Management Information Systems, Fall 2009, 26(2): 205"“240
A Susarla, A Barua and A. B. Whinston, "Understanding the "˜Service"™ Component of Application Service Provision: An Empirical Analysis of Satisfaction with ASP Services," MIS Quarterly, March 2003, 27(1): 919-123
M Parameswaran, A Susarla and AB. Whinston, "P2P networking: An information sharing alternative," IEEE Computer, Vol. 34, No. 7, July 2001, pp. 31-38
In proceedings
E J Jung, A
Susarla, V Sambamurthy, “Evolutionary Fundraising Patterns and Entrepreneurs’
Performance in Crowdfunding Platforms,” the 35th International Conference on Information
Systems, Auckland, NZ, December 2014In proceedings
B Zhang, A
Susarla, R Krishnan, “Peer Influence, Competition and Content Creation in
Social Media Platforms,” 8th Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research, Montreal,
June 2012In proceedings
Y Lu, A
Susarla, K Ravindran, V Gurbaxani, “Network Structure, Market Dynamics and Tie
Formation in IT Outsourcing,” 8th Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research, Montreal,
June 2012In proceedings
K Ravindran, Y Lu, A Susarla, V Gurbaxani, "Market Position and the Dynamics of Network Structure in IT Outsourcing," the 16th INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Charlotte, 2011
In proceedings
A Susarla and J Oh, "Cascades and Contagion on YouTube," the 15th INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Austin, 2010
In proceedings
K Ravindran, V Gurbaxani and A Susarla, "Social Networks and Contract Enforcement in IT Outsourcing," the 30th International Conference on Information Systems, Phoenix, December 2009
In proceedings
K Ravindran, A Susarla and V Gurbaxani, "Social Networks and Contract Enforcement in IT Outsourcing," 14th INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology, San Diego, 2009
In proceedings
K Ravindran, V Gurbaxani and A Susarla, "Social Networks and Contract Enforcement in IT Outsourcing," the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems, August 2009
In proceedings
K Ravindran, V Gurbaxani and A Susarla, "Social Networks and Contract Enforcement in IT Outsourcing," the 9th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Hyderabad, India, July 2009
In proceedings
J Oh, A Susarla and Y Tan, "Diffusion of User-Generated Content in a Social Network Structure" The 29th International Conference on Information Systems, Paris, December 2008
In proceedings
R Subramanyam and A Susarla, "Contracting, Incentives and Inter-Organizational Routines in Information Technology Outsourcing," Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, August 2007
K Ravindran, A Susarla, R Krishnan, D Mani, “The Mediating
Effect of Formal Contractual Controls in the Relationship Between Experience
and Contract Design,” Lecture
Notes in Business Information Processing, Volume 236, pp. 52-61, ed. Oshri
I, J Kolstarsky, L. P. Willcocks, Springer International, Switzerland, December
X Liu, A Susarla, B Zhang, R Padman, “Go To YouTube and Call me in the Morning: A Deep Learning Approach to Analyze Visual Social Media for Patient Self-Care of Chronic Diseases,” forthcoming in MIS Quarterly
In proceedings
Y-Y Wang, A
Susarla, V Sambamurthy, “The Untold Story of Social Media on Offline Sales: The
Impact of Facebook in the U.S. Automobile Industry,” the 36th International Conference on Information
Systems, Dallas, TX, December 2015Article
A Susarla and T Mukhopadhyay, “Can Outsourcing of Information Technology Foster Innovations in Client Organizations? An Empirical Analysis,” forthcoming at MIS QuarterlyArticle
Y-Y Wang, C Guo, A Susarla, V Sambamurthy, “Online to Offline: The Impact of Social Media on Offline Sales in the Automobile Industry,” conditionally accepted, Information Systems Research
A Susarla, M Holzhacker and R Krishnan, “Calculative Trust and Interfirm Contracts” forthcoming at
Management ScienceArticle
C Guo, T H Kim, A Susarla and V Sambamurthy, “Prosocial Behavior or Bystander Effect? The Role of Virtual Crowdedness in Encouraging User Contribution of a Mobile Virtual Community” under reviewArticle
C Guo, T H Kim, A Susarla and V Sambamurthy, “Prosocial Behavior or Bystander Effect? The Role of Virtual Crowdedness in Encouraging User Contribution of a Mobile Virtual Community,” forthcoming, Information Systems Research
A Susarla and T Mukhopadhyay, “Can Outsourcing of Information Technology Foster Innovations in Client Organizations? An Empirical Analysis,” forthcoming at MIS Quarterly