D. Farber, M. F. Johnson, and K. Petroni. (2007 March). Congressional Intervention in the Standard-Setting Process: An Analysis of the Stock Option Acocunting Reform Act of 2004. Accounting Horizons. 21: 1. 1-22.
M.F. Johnson, K.K. Nelson, and A. C. Pritchard. (2007). Do the Merits Matter More? The Impact of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization. forthcoming.
R. Frankel, M.F. Johnson, and K.K. Nelson. (2002). The Relation Between Auditors"™ Fees for Non-Audit Services and Earnings Quality. The Accounting Review. forthcoming.
M.F. Johnson, R. Kasznik, and K.K. Nelson. (2001 September). The Impact of Securities Litigation Reform on the Disclosure of Forward-Looking Information by High Technology Firms. Journal of Accounting Research. 39: 2. 297-328.
M.F. Johnson, R. Kasznik, and K.K. Nelson. (2000 September). Shareholder Wealth Effects of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Review of Accounting Studies. 5: 3. 217-233.
M.F. Johnson, K.K. Nelson, and A.C. Pritchard. (2000 May). In re Silicon Graphics Securities Litigation: Shareholder Wealth Effects of the Interpretation of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act"™s Pleading Standard. Southern California Law Review. 73: 4. 773-810.
W.Blacconiere, M.F. Johnson, and M.S. Johnson. (2000 April). Market Valuation and Deregulation of Electric Utilities. Journal of Accounting and Economics. 29: 2. 231-260.
M.F. Johnson. (1999 June). Business Cycles and the Relation Between Security Returns and Earnings. Review of Accounting Studies. 4: 2. 93-118.
R. Frankel, M.F. Johnson, and D. Skinner. (1999). An Empirical Investigation of Conference Calls as a Voluntary Disclosure Medium. Journal of Accounting Research. 37: 1. 133-150.
S. Anderson, D. Daly, and M.F. Johnson. (1999). Why Firms Seek ISO 9000 Certification: Regulatory Compliance or Competitive Advantage. Production and Operations Management. 8: 1. 28-43.
W. Blacconiere, M.F. Johnson, and M.S. Johnson. (1997). Stranded Costs in the Electric Utility Industry. Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance. 12: 3. 199-221.
M.F. Johnson and D.W. Lee. (1994). Financing Constraints and the Role of Cash Flow from Operations in the Prediction of Future Profitability. Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance. 9: 4. 619-652.
R.M. Bowen, M.F. Johnson, and T. Shevlin. (1989 July). Informational Efficiency and the Information Content of Earnings During the Stock Market Crash of October 1987. Journal of Accounting and Economics. 11: 2/3. 225-254.