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John Hollenbeck

Associate Dean of Research
Department: Dean's Office
North Business Building
632 Bogue St Rm N430
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: (517) 355-2413
Eli Broad University Professor of Business
Department: Management

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John Hollenbeck, Eli Broad Professor and University Distinguished Professor, standing in the Minskoff Pavilion atrium with students studying in the background.
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Management professor Quinetta Roberson will lead a team to study the value of diversity in corporate governance.
Broad College launched the Center for Ethical and Socially Responsible Leadership to elevate the importance of ethics.
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John Hollenbeck, Eli Broad Professor and University Distinguished Professor, aims to increase our research prominence.
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John Hollenbeck, professor of management, answers our questions on team dynamics and work motivation.
Broad Matters podcast hosted by the MSU Broad College of Business, available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts
Renowned scholar and management professor John Hollenbeck delves into his expertise on teams.
John Hollenbeck recognized for his sustained, significant, and outstanding service to the field.