Markle, Kevin S. and Douglas A.
Shackelford, 2012. Cross-country Comparisons of the Effects of Leverage, Intangible Assets
and Tax Havens on Corporate Income Taxes. Tax Law Review, Volume 65, Issue 3.Article
Markle, Kevin S. and Douglas A.
Shackelford, 2012. Cross-country Comparisons of Corporate Income Taxes. National Tax Journal 65, 493-528.Article
Markle, Kevin S. and Douglas A.
Shackelford, 2014. "The Impact of Headquarter and Subsidiary Locations on
Multinationals' Effective Tax Rates" in Tax Policy and the Economy 28,
edited by Jeffrey Brown, National Bureau of Economic Research and University of
Chicago Press (Chicago, IL.)Article
Scott D., Bradley P. Lindsey, Kevin S. Markle and Douglas A. Shackelford, 2015.
The Effect of Tax and Nontax Country
Characteristics on the Global Equity Supply Chains of U.S. Multinationals.
Journal of Accounting and Economics 59 (2-3), 182-202.Article
Markle, Kevin S, 2016. A
Comparison of Tax-motivated Income Shifting in Territorial and Worldwide
Countries. Contemporary Accounting Research: Volume 33 (Spring), pp. 7-43.Article
Scott D. and Kevin S. Markle, 2016. The
Effect of Financial Constraints on the Tax-motivated Income Shifting of U.S.
Multinationals. The Accounting Review: November 2016, Vol. 91, No. 6,
pp. 1601-1627.Article
Kevin S., Lillian F. Mills, and Braden Williams. Implicit
corporate taxes and income shifting. The Accounting Review: 95(3),
pp.315-342. Article
Simone, Lisa, Rebecca Lester, and Kevin Markle. Transparency and tax evasion: Evidence from the Foreign Accounts Tax
Compliance Act (FATCA). Journal of Accounting Research: 58 (1), 105-153.Article
Harald, Kevin Markle, and David Samuel, 2020. Repatriation Taxes, Internal
Agency Conflicts, and Subsidiary-level Investment Efficiency. The Accounting Review:
Gleason, Cristi A., Kevin S. Markle, and Jane Z. Song. "Did FIN 48 improve the mapping between tax expense and future cash taxes?."
Review of Accounting Studies 29, no. 2 (2024): 1794-1830.