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A Broad Executive MBA, significant rewards and ROI .

Learn on Saturday. Apply on Monday. That’s one of the advantages of the Broad Executive MBA. But that is not the only advantage. Our students report a significant growth across multiple learning dimensions including decision making, leadership, critical thinking and team building.

A Strategic Investment in Your Future

icons with stats

*Source: MSU internal data, Financial Times Alumni Survey (Financial Times, 2023), and EMBAC annual student survey

Gain a Competitive Edge

Propel your career with a MBA. It’s been proven that a MBA degree gives professionals an advantage over the competition, allowing them to excel in their careers. Whether you’re looking to enhance your role in your current company or explore new professional horizons, the Executive MBA is the answer to your career growth.

  • Continue your career while earning your degree
  • Sharpen your business acumen, critical skills, decision making, team building and global perspective
  • Turn classroom learning into career progression

Learn more about Student Experience and Alumni.

Critical Skills Development

Critical Skills Development

bar chart showing Percentage Salary Change from enter to exit

Percentage Salary Change: Enter→Exit

bar graph comparing Quality Of Program of MSU EMBA and all EMBA programs

Quality of Program

bar graph showing salary change over three years post graduation

Salary Change 3 Years Post-Grad

bar graph from 2013 to 2020 showing Received a Promotion During the Program

Received a Promotion During the Program

bar graph on How Likely Are You to Recommend the Program

How "Likely" Are You to Recommend the Program?