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See what Broad College Education Abroad programs are available.

Bring a global perspective to your education.


Students who study abroad discover that stepping outside of their cultures to live and study in a foreign country influences their careers and educational choices, increases self-confidence, enhances cultural tolerance and understanding, and facilitates lifelong friendships.

Programs sponsored by the Eli Broad College of Business tend to work well for Broad students. Students should still consult with an advisor to confirm that the courses available on any given program fits with a student’s course of study and major.

Students may also work with the MSU Office for Education Abroad or their Broad College advisor to choose another study abroad program that better fits their needs. MSU offers more than 260 programs in more than 60 countries on all continents. There are options offered as long as an academic year or as short as a winter break and students are able to go as early as their first year or as late as senior year.

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Richard Spreng

Richard Spreng, Ph. D.

  • Associate Professor - United Shore Financial Services Faculty Fellow in Sales
  • Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs
    Dean's Office

Rich serves as Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education, under which education abroad falls. He is a longtime program director, having run programs in Asia and Europe for over a decade.

Sarah Scott headshot

Sarah Scott, Ph.D.

  • Walter Family Director of Education Abroad
    Broad Education Abroad

Sarah is responsible for overall development and oversight of the college’s education abroad program. She provides direct support to program directors and manages relationships with partner institutions around the world. Sarah is responsible for the college’s education abroad scholarship funds and awards. She previously directed the college’s program to Japan for many years.

Guanglong Pang, Ph.D.

  • Assistant Director of Education Abroad and Global Engagement
    Broad Education Abroad

Guanglong supports program visibility through events such as education abroad fairs and information sessions. He also facilitates unpacking sessions for students returning from overseas experiences. In addition, he oversees the education abroad ambassadors and the Buddy Program, which fosters intercultural friendships and promotes global community development between domestic and international students.

Max Olivero

  • Assistant Director of Global Support Services
    Undergraduate Academic Services

Max oversees all aspects of education abroad advising, reviews and signs all course approval forms (CAFs), and manages the application, interview, and admissions process for all direct enroll and exchange programs. He currently serves as the lead instructor for the college’s pre-departure education abroad course, a requirement for all students studying abroad for a full semester.

Ben Ladd

  • Program Coordinator
    Office for Education Abroad

Ben serves as the Office for Education Abroad liaison to the Broad College of business. In this role, he provides support with Via TRM processes and guides program directors in managing program logistics and budgets.

Paul Balas

  • Executive In Residence, Global Mindset Initiatives
    Dean's Office

Paul is the Executive-in-Residence at the Broad College, focusing on strategies to enhance the global acumen of Broad students, including expanding education abroad opportunities and enhancing the experience of international students. In addition, Paul has been a guest lecturer on various topics, including ethics, global culture, and the global regulatory environment.

Hayley Saste

  • Student Ambassador
    Broad Education Abroad

“Would I recommend education abroad? ABSOLUTELY. It is sort of an unhinged experience; no one can really ever prepare you for what is on the other side of that door. Just go for it!”

Program Participated: WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management (Germany)


Aidan Naughton

  • Student Ambassador
    Broad Education Abroad

“Education abroad combined my three passions of sports, travel, and business into an educational journey with connections and experiences that will forever benefit my future endeavors.”

Program participated: Business of the Olympics (Australia)


Cape Town panoramic photo

Types of Programs

  • Semester-long Programs

    Students participating in a partner program enroll in courses with an international institution, transferring credit back to Michigan State. Typically, a semester in length—though there are some summer or full academic year options—these programs are a great opportunity for students to fully immerse themselves in the culture of their host country. Student support services in-country are provided by the host institution, at varying levels depending on location, as well as through MSU when needed. Partner programs are divided into three categories:


    Students pay MSU tuition and fees just like a semester on campus in East Lansing. Because of this cost structure, exchanges are often ideal for students paying in-state tuition. Course equivalencies should be discussed with an advisor to ensure the validity of credits.

    Direct Enroll

    Students pay the tuition and fee rates of the host university, typically through a program fee from MSU. This model is often a great financial option for out-of-state and international students. Course equivalencies should be discussed with an advisor to ensure the validity of credits.


    Students pay a program fee, which includes tuition for the semester, as well as accommodations. For programs with home stays, this also includes most meals; cultural excursions may be included on a program-specific basis. Open to admitted business students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Students will earn a set number of credits on this program, from a pre-determined course mix. For example, students may earn credit for two business core courses, MKT 310 and MGT 315, the upper level IAH requirement, and a language course (all levels welcome with no prior language proficiency required). Customized programs do not allow flexibility in courses, but allow students to plan exactly what credits they will earn while abroad.

  • Faculty-Directed Programs

    Faculty-directed programs are short-term education abroad experiences with coursework taught by MSU faculty. These programs are offered during winter break, spring break, or during the summer session and typically offer 1-6 credits. Faculty-directed courses use the setting overseas to complement and enrich the academic content, often building in excursions to popular sites in their host countries. Specially designed programs allow faculty to teach content differently than on main campus, making the most of the location. Having smaller groups and faculty accompanying students ensures built-in support for students and a great opportunity to get to know the professors. Program directors may require pre- or post-departure meetings or coursework.

    Service Learning

    These programs combine learning goals and overseas community service with the objective of enhancing student growth, intercultural knowledge and learning, and the common good. These programs are generally located in countries which the IMF, World Bank, and other entities consider “developing,” and may include strenuous levels of physical activity.

  • International Internship Programs

    International internship programs are one-credit, summer programs where students are placed in an overseas internship opportunity. International internships are unpaid experiences intended to enrich students’ understanding of the global business environment and provide career experience.

  • Broad College-Approved, Non-MSU Programs

    Education abroad programs offered by peer institutions that may be of interest to Broad students and have been specifically vetted and approved by the college. Credits earned on these programs will transfer back to MSU; students should meet with academic advisors prior to enrolling in such a program to understand how the credits fit within the student’s degree plan.

Tokyo at night


Buenos Aires at night

Internationalizing Your Degree

Overlooking Greek countryside


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