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Upcoming Events

Tuesday Oct. 8
The 5-week Summer Business Studies at University of Sydney experience is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit beautiful Sydney, Australia and earn 6 MSU transferable credits across two courses while enjoying freedom of travel and exploration of some of the world’s most beautiful beaches, diverse cultural attractions, and wildlife preserves featuring the cutest critters on the…
Tuesday Oct. 8
Immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of Austria, Slovenia, and Italy while exploring European business practices during a two-week program in May. Enhance your marketing skills through targeted coursework in Marketing Management and International Business, with a focus on business-to-business and consumer marketing in Europe. Experience immersive on-site learning in Europe, followed by…
Wednesday Oct. 9
Calling all Broad RSO leaders! This presentation will challenge you to think about risk personally, professionally, and within your role as student leader. Are you making choices based on pressure, personal responsibility, group dynamics, a sense of duty to the organization or are you just checking the box? You will leave with a stronger understanding…
Wednesday Oct. 9
This complimentary, exclusive networking mixer will take place prior to the MSU Careers in Business: Supply Chain Management In-Person Career Fair at the Breslin Center on Wednesday, October 9 from 3:00pm-4:00pm and is open to all MSU MBA and MS Business Data Science & Analytics students seeing internship and full-time opportunities. Registration for the supply chain management fair is…
Wednesday Oct. 9
We invite you to join the Broad College of Business Russell Palmer Career Management Center for the MSU Careers in Business: Supply Chain Management In-Person Fair. This event will take place at the Breslin Center on Wednesday, October 9 from 4:00pm-7:00pm and is open to all MSU undergraduate and graduate students seeking internship and full-time opportunities in the supply chain…
Thursday Oct. 10
The 5-week Summer Business Studies at University of Sydney experience is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit beautiful Sydney, Australia and earn 6 MSU transferable credits across two courses while enjoying freedom of travel and exploration of some of the world’s most beautiful beaches, diverse cultural attractions, and wildlife preserves featuring the cutest critters on the…
Thursday Oct. 10
Join us to learn from Derek Tang, MSU Alum and Chief Financial Officer at Mallplaza, the largest Chilean mall company and one of the top 15 companies in the Chilean stock exchange. Derek is going to share his leadership journey and his global experience on how investors approach ESG in different markets when they go…
Friday Oct. 11
Attendance at this event is by special request or invitation only and is a great opportunity to learn more about our MBA program, see MSU’s campus, and interact with our deans, MBA staff, and the career management team.  Most importantly, there will be several opportunities to connect with current students representing diverse backgrounds willing to share…
Friday Oct. 11
The Center for Ethical and Socially Responsible Leadership will be hosting Ethics in the New Case Competition for undergraduate students in the Broad College of Business on Friday, October 11th. Teams of 4 students will compete to address all ethical and business implications for a current day ethical situation. Prize money will be awarded to…
Friday Oct. 11 - Oct. 12
2DAY VENTURE (2DV) is a hands-on learning experience designed exclusively for Spartans at Michigan State University, regardless of home college, major, or background. Each event offers unbeatable entrepreneurial education resources & the freedom to explore turning a project or idea into reality—all packed into 36 hours. What’s Included in Your Experience? 🚀 Access to individual…
Monday Oct. 14
Learn essential staffing skills: job analysis, recruiting, hiring, and employee development. Explore global HR operations firsthand in London, a top international business hub. Visit companies, interview HR professionals, and engage with industry experts. Experience London‘s diverse culture while gaining insights into international staffing challenges. Contact Dr. Miller ( for more information.
Monday Oct. 14
Hear from a panel of top professionals about career possibilities and emerging topics in the field of insurance and risk management. Pizza House will be served!
Tuesday Oct. 15
Learn essential staffing skills: job analysis, recruiting, hiring, and employee development. Explore global HR operations firsthand in London, a top international business hub. Visit companies, interview HR professionals, and engage with industry experts. Experience London‘s diverse culture while gaining insights into international staffing challenges. Contact Dr. Miller ( for more information.
Tuesday Oct. 15
Meet with the Michigan State Broad Full-Time MBA admissions team at the Access MBA Panama City event on Tuesday, October 15th. Meet with us at the event to learn more about the Broad MBA, discuss your MBA goals and hear about the admissions process. Leave us your information below to receive updates about the Broad…