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Sriram Narayanan

Eli Broad Professor in Supply Chain Management
Department: Supply Chain Management
North Business Building
632 Bogue St Rm N357
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: (517) 432-6432
Faculty Director
Department: Center for Ethical and Socially Responsible Leadership
  • Biography
    Sriram Narayanan is a Full Professor and also the Eli Broad Endowed Professor of Supply Chain Management at the Broad College of Business, Michigan State University (MSU) in the Supply Chain Management Department. He is also the faculty director of the Center for Ethical and Socially Responsible Leadership.

    He earned his doctoral degree in Operations, Technology, and Innovation Management at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Sriram's primary research interests are in innovation, organizational productivity, sustainability, and inclusion in supply chains. In his research he attempts to blend practice and theories, and many of his academic papers are directly drawn from industry environments. His research is cross disciplinary. He has published more than 30 articles, majority of which are in top-tier journals including Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management Journal, Journal of Operations Management, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Retailing, Decision Sciences Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, among others. He is a regular contributor to the Supply Chain Management Review, a leading Supply Chain Management Practice outlet. In recent times, much of his research has focused on community engagement and inclusion and better understanding how supply chain ideas can be applied to facilitate inclusion.

    He has won multiple awards for teaching, research, community engagement, and service including the John D. and Dorotha, J. Withrow Endowed Emerging Research Scholar Award; Community-Engaged Partnership Award at Michigan State University, the Lilly Fellowship (MSU) - a select university wide fellowship, and Broad Integrative Fellowship (MSU). He holds editorial positions in several top-tier supply chain management journals.

    He holds/has held editorial positions in several top-tier journals including Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Journal, Production and Operations Management Journal, Journal of Operations Management and Decision Sciences Journal, Service Science, IEEE Transactions of Engineering Management and Journal of Business Logistics. He has also co-edited two special issues: one for the Journal of Operations Management on Innovation in Supply Networks, and another for the Journal of Business Logistics on Extended Supply Chains. He has won outstanding reviewer awards from the Journal of Operations Management and the Decision Sciences Journal, and outstanding senior editor award from the Production and Operations Management Journal. His research has been featured or cited in Strategy & Business, NPR Marketplace, and other leading popular press articles.

    His research has been funded by Peckham Community Partnership Foundation, the National Science Foundation, MSU Foundation, Partnership for Innovative Research in Africa at MSU, and The Michigan Health Endowment Fund.  

    He has served in several leadership roles in professional community of Supply Chain Management. More specifically he has served on the board of the Decision Sciences Institute as a Vice President of Professional Development and the Production and Operations Management Society as Vice President of Publications. He served as a co-program chair for the Production and Operations Management Society Annual conference, served as research chair for the Decision Sciences Annual Conference in November 2020; and the General Chair of the Decision Sciences Conference in 2021. He has served as a track chair across numerous national and international conferences.  

    He has taught project management, agile product development, technology and innovation management, and service supply chains, with a focus on solution development and scaling in digital environments. In addition, he has also taught doctoral seminars within the Broad College.

    Prior to doctoral studies he worked in the industry in procurement and project leadership roles. Specifically, he worked as a procurement executive in Maruti Suzuki and as a project leader for HCL Technologies Limited, primarily working with Cisco Systems. He holds a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from the Delhi College of Engineering and an MBA from the University of Delhi. 

    He has a passion for Indian Philosophical literature, and also occasionally blogs on philosophy, and enjoys writing poetry, plays classical percussion music, loves to cook in addition to hosting two different podcasts - the AOFOW Podcast, and the POMS Podcast -- both of which are available in iTunes. 

  • Publications
    Sridhar, Shrihari, Sriram Narayanan and Raji Srinivasan (2013) "Dynamically Coordinating Inventory, R&D, and Advertising Spending" Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Forthcoming.
    Narayanan, Sriram and Ram Narasimhan (2013) "Contract choice, supplier characteristics and sourcing relationship performance" Decision Sciences Journal, Forthcoming.
    Narasimhan, Ram, Sriram Narayanan, and Ravi Srinivasan (2013) "An Investigation of Justice in Supply Chain Relationships and their Performance Impact," Journal of Operations Management, 31(5) 236-247.
    Narasimhan, Ram and Sriram Narayanan (2013) "Perspectives on Supply Chain Driven Innovation" Journal of Supply Chain Management, Forthcoming.
    Narayanan, Sriram, Jayashankar M. Swaminathan and Srinivas Talluri (2013) "Knowledge Diversity, Turnover, and Organizational-Unit Productivity: An Empirical Analysis in a Knowledge-Intensive Context" Production and Operations Management Journal, Early View. (In order of last names)
    Raji Srinivasan, Sridhar Shrihari, Sriram Narayanan and Debika Sihi (2013) "Opening vs Closing Outlets? Effects of Distribution Intensity on Firm Performance: Insights from Retail Industry" Journal of Retailing, 89(2) 126-139. (Equal Authorship) This study was featured in the Strategy + Business Blog of Booz Allen Hamilton and MSU Today,
    Lahiri, Nandini and Sriram Narayanan (2013) "Vertical Integration, Innovation and Alliance Portfolio: Implications for Firm Performance" Strategic Management Journal, 34(9) 1042-1064.
    Jayaraman, Vaidy, Sriram Narayanan, Yadong Luo and Jayashankar Swaminathan (2013) "Offshoring Business Process Services and Governance Control Mechanisms in Emerging Markets: An Examination of Service Providers from India" Production and Operations Management Journal, 22(2) 314"“334.
    Narayanan, Sriram, Vaidy Jayaraman, Yadong Luo and Jayashankar Swaminathan (2011) "The Antecedents of Process Integration in Business Process Outsourcing and its Effect on Firm Performance" Journal of Operations Management, 29(1-2) 3-16. (Lead Article).
    Narayanan, Sriram, Sridhar Balasubramanian and Jayashankar Swaminathan (2011) "Managing Outsourced Software Projects: Antecedents of Project Performance and Customer Satisfaction" Production and Operations Management Journal, 20(4) 508"“521.
    Narasimhan, Ram, Sriram Narayanan (2009) "In Search of Outsourcing Excellence" Supply Chain Management Review, March, 36-42.
    Narayanan, Sriram, Sridhar Balasubramanian and Jayashankar Swaminathan (2009) "A Matter of Balance: Specialization, Task Variety, and Individual Learning in a Software Maintenance Environment" Management Science, 55(2) 1861-1876.
    Narayanan, Sriram, Ann Marucheck and Robert Handfield (2009) "Electronic Data Interchange: Meta - Analysis, Research Review and Future Directions" Decision Sciences, 40(1) 121-163.
    Narayanan, Sriram, Shawnee Vickery, Matthew Castel, Mariana Nicole and Micheal McLeod (2020) “The impact of lean implementation on hospital financial performance: A holistic empirical analysis” (Forthcoming: Decision Sciences Journal)
    Narayanan, Sriram and Edward Terris (2020) “Inclusive Manufacturing: The impact of Disability Diversity on Productivity in a Work Integration Social Enterprise,” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 22(6) 1107-1286 
    Kumar, Subodha, Sriram Narayanan, and Fabrizio Salvador (2020) “Innovation in supply networks: A research framework and roadmap” Journal of Operations Management, 66(7-8), 754-767.
    Kim, MK, Sriram Narayanan, and Ram Narasimhan (2020) “Supply Network Architecture and its Contingent Impact on Innovation Performance: A Field Study” International Journal of Production Economics, 224, 107551.
    Narayanan, Sriram, Sridhar Balasubramanian, Jayashankar M. Swaminathan and Ying Zhang (2020) “Managing Uncertain Tasks in Technology-Intensive Project Environments:A Multi-Method Study of Task Closure and Capacity Management Decisions,” Journal of Operations Management, 66(3), 260-280. (Lead Article)
    Choo, Adrian, Sriram Narayanan, Ravi Srinivasan and Soumodip Sarkar (2021) “Product Innovation, Service Innovation, or Both? An Empirical Analysis of Implications for Innovation Performance,” (Forthcoming: Journal of Operations Management).
    Srinivasan, Ravi, Adrian Choo, Sriram Narayanan and Soumodip Sarkar (2021) “Quasi-Replication and extension of knowledge sources, objectives and innovation performance” (Forthcoming: Strategic Management Journal)
    Choi, Thomas, Sriram Narayanan, David Novak, Jan Olhager, Jiuh-Biing Sheu and Frank Wiengarten (2021) “Managing Extended Supply Chains” (Forthcoming: Journal of Business Logistics
    DeCampos, Hugo, Sriram Narayanan and Claudia Rosales (2022) “Supply Chain Horizontal Complexity and the Moderating Impact of Inventory Turns: A Study of the Automotive Component Industry” International Journal of Production Economics. 245, p.108377.
    Kraude, Richard., Sriram Narayanan, Srinivas Talluri (2022) “Evaluating the Performance of Supply Chain Risk Mitigation Strategies: A Holistic Frontier Methodology,” European Journal of Operational Research, 303(3) 1168-1182.
    Cole, Dustin, Sriram Narayanan, Elizabeth Conners, Meenu Tewari and Kyle Onda (2022) “Water Stress: Opportunities for Supply Chain Research” (Forthcoming - Production and Operations Management Journal).
    Zhang, Chun, Lei Wang and Sriram Narayanan (2023) “The Bright Side of Trust-less Relationships: A Dyadic Investigation of the Role of Trust Congruence on Supplier Knowledge Acquisition Across Borders” (Forthcoming: Journal of Operations Management)
    Ying Zhang, Sriram Narayanan, Tharo Soun, Kalyanmoy Deb and Dustin Cole (2023) “Inclusive Manufacturing: Maximizing Disability Diversity, Cultural Diversity and Productivity” (Forthcoming: Production and Operations Management Journal)
  • Courses
    • SCM 372: Manufacturing Planning and Control
    • SCM 883: Product Innovation and Technology Management
    • SCM 869: Service Supply Chain Management
    • SCM 916: Statistical Research Methods
    • SCM 910: Introduction to Supply Chain Management Research
    • SCM 815: Product Innovation and Technology Management in Supply Chains
    • SCM 471: Project Management
  • Awards
    • Fellow
      Fellow, Center for Research in Autism, Intellectual, and other Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (C-RAIND), Michigan State University
    • John D. and Dorotha J. Withrow Endowed Emerging Research Scholar Award
      John D. and Dorotha J. Withrow Endowed Emerging Research Scholar Award, 2018. (Recognition: Outstanding Teacher-Scholar and All-Round contributions to the Broad College of Business)
    • Distinguished Partnership Award, Michigan State University
      Distinguished Partnership Award for Community-Engaged Service, Michigan State University, 2018
    • Fellow, C-RAIND
      Fellow, Center for Research in Autism, Intellectual, and other Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (C-RAIND), Michigan State University
    • Davidson Paper Award
      Finalist for the Davidson Best Paper Award, Journal of Retailing
    • Broad Integrative Fellow
      Broad Integrative Fellow, 2014 -2015 – This is a Fellowship at the Broad College level where faculty from different departments convene to discuss issues related to integrative teaching.
    • Lilly Teaching Fellow, Michigan State University
      Lilly Teaching Fellow, 2013-2014: This is a University-wide fellowship offered to select outstanding teaching faculty who are focused on innovation in their classrooms. 
    • Outstanding Reviewer Award
      Outstanding Reviewer Award, Decision Sciences Journal
    • Best reviewer award
      Best reviewer award, Journal of Operations Management
    • RRBM Honor Roll
      Responsible Research in Business Management, Honor Roll Mention, 2022
    • Jack Meredith Best Paper Award
      Journal of Operations Management Jack Meredith Best Paper Award 2022
    • Jack Meredith Best Paper Award
      Journal of Operations Management Jack Meredith Best Paper Award 2021, Honorable Mention
    • Service Award
      Distinguished Service Award from Journal of Operations Management, and Founding Department Editor.
    • Statewide Partner Award
      Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS) Champion Award for being a statewide partner. 2021. 
  • Media Mentions
  • Links

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