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The Minor in Real Estate prepares students for careers related to hospitality and commercial real estate including investment acquisition, appraisal, asset management, brokerage, consulting, development, market analysis, and mortgage lending.

The minor, which is administered by The School of Hospitality Business, is available as an elective to students who are enrolled in bachelor’s programs at Michigan State University.

With the approval of the department or school and college that administers the student’s degree program, courses that are used to satisfy the requirements for the minor may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the bachelor’s degree program.

Minor Information Sheet

Admission Criteria

Those seeking admission must meet the criteria below:

  • Completion of 28 credits.
  • Completion of the following core courses:
    • ACC 201 (3) or ACC 230 (3)
    • EC 201 (3)
  • General Admission Standards:
    • MSU Cumulative GPA = 3.50 or higher
    • Core GPA = 3.50 or higher

Admission is based primarily on MSU cumulative GPA and MSU core GPA. Academic and non-academic factors and experiences will also be considered.

The application requires a statement of professional goals as well as documented work experience and extracurricular activities.

Apply to Minor

Next application period will be from Monday, May 12 to Friday, May 23, 2025.

Minor in Real Estate Requirements

All of the following

The Real Estate Investment Club is for all students who have a common interest in real estate development, particularly within the hospitality industry. The club creates unique opportunities for students including listening to significant guest speakers, participating in various site tours, and keeping in touch with alumni and other industry professionals.

Learn More  

Real Estate Advisory Council

In 2007, The School of Hospitality Business established the Real Estate Advisory Council. This group is in place to review and support the real estate interests of The School. Council members are by appointment only and meet annually (each spring).

Real Estate Advisory Council Meetings

Click here to view Real Estate Advisory Council Members