Ranjani Krishnan received her MBA from the University of Pittsburgh in 1993 and her PhD in 1998. She teaches management accounting and operational management at the MBA, Executive MBA, Executive, and PhD programs. Ranjani's research has been published in journals such as The Academy of management Journal, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Management Science, Strategic Management Journal, and The Accounting Review. She is the recipient of the 2015 Best Paper Award of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Health Care Management Division), 2013 Best Paper Award of the Journal of Management Accounting Research, 2012 Greatest Impact on Managerial Accounting Practice Award, the 2006 Notable Contribution to the Accounting Research Award, the 2005 Notable Contribution to the Management Accounting Literature Award, and the 1999 McLaughlin Prize for Research in Accounting Ethics. She is also the recipient of the Teacher-Scholar Award from Michigan State University (2003), 2018 Beal University Professor Award (Michigan State University), the Withrow Emerging Scholar (2006), the Withrow Teacher-Scholar Award (2012) from the Broad College, the outstanding faculty research award from the Accounting and Information Systems Department (2002, 2014, 2019), the faculty excellence in teaching award from the Accounting and Information Systems Department (2004), and the Broad College Executive MBA Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award ( 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, and 2018). She was a visiting professor at Harvard Business School (2008-09), and Georgetown University (2020-2021). She was an editor of The Accounting Review (2008-2011), Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Management Accounting Research (2013-2015), and an Editor of the Special Issue on Healthcare for the Information Systems Research Journal (2008-2009). She is currently the Accounting Department Editor of Management Science, an associate editor of Accounting, Organizations, and Society, and an associate editor of Production and Operations Management Journal.