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Admission to the Broad College for current MSU students

This information is for current MSU students who plan to apply to the Broad College through the current student secondary admission process, and applies to students seeking a degree in the following majors: accounting, finance, human resource management, management, marketing, and supply chain management; hospitality business has separate requirements.

This information does not apply to students at other institutions who plan to apply to MSU and the Broad College through the transfer application process, or the direct admission from high school process.

Secondary Admission to the Broad College

Admission to the Broad College of Business is limited and competitive; academic factors, non-academic factors, and an option statement of extenuating circumstances are considered. Students with a strong work ethic, demonstrated scholarship and leadership abilities are encouraged to apply. All applicants must comply with the Broad Policy Statement for undergraduate students.

Beginning Spring 2023, students admitted to the Broad College via the Secondary admission pathway will be admitted immediately to the degree-granting major of their choice.

Admission Decision Appeals

The appeal period has ended (the deadline to submit an admission appeal was 5:00pm January 10). If you have an extenuating circumstance that prevented you from submitting an appeal between January 6 and January 10, please contact the Melanie Wallace, Director of Undergraduate Admissions, at  with appropriate documentation. Late appeals may not be accepted, and requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Application Timeline

Spring 2025

  • Application Opens: January 22, 2025
  • Deadline to Begin a New Application: March 13, 2025
  • Experiential Profile & Case Study Deadline: March 13, 2025, at 5:00pm (ET)
  • Spring 2025 Transfer Course Documentation Deadline: May 15, 2025, at 9:00am (ET)
  • Spring 2025 Admission Decisions Completed: May 16, 2025 (decisions sent via Registrar’s Office Confidential Message after 5:00pm (ET))


Summer 2025

  • No secondary admission in the summer; the next application will open Fall 2025


Apply for Secondary Admission

Students should apply during the fall/spring semester in which they will complete the requirements.

Information Sessions

Admission Information Sessions

Topics addressed include: Broad College application process, academic and non-academic admission factors, resources for completing the non-academic factors, and explanation of the admission decision process. A recording will be posted online after the live sessions conclude.

Class Schedule Planning Session

This session will assist current applicants in planning for spring courses should they be admitted to Broad. A recording will be sent to current applicants after the live sessions conclude, including directions to request a personalized schedule plan.

Information sessions are intended for current MSU students applying for admission to the Broad College of Business through the secondary admission process this semester. All applicants are strongly encouraged to attend.

Students can choose the session that fits their schedule. Students must bring their MSU ID to in-person sessions; Zoom sessions require registration. A recording of the session will be posted after the last date.

Presentation Files

Admission Information Session Slides (Spring 2025 coming in February)

Admission Information Session Presentation Recording (Spring 2025 coming in March)

Case Study Instruction Video*

*Case study instructions are the same for Spring/Summer/Fall 2024 and Spring 2025


Academic Factors (Required)

Minimum criteria to apply (complete by the end of the application semester)

  • Completion of at least 28 credits
  • Completion of CSE 102 – credit must be earned (accepted substitutions: EGR 102, CSE 220, CSE 231, CMSE 201)
    • Beginning Spring 2020: CSE 101 will not be accepted as a substitute for CSE 102
  • Completion of the following College Precore courses (credit must be earned):
    • EC 201 or EC 202 (accepted substitutions for Honors College students: EC 251H & EC 301 for EC 201, EC 252H & EC 302 for EC 202)
    • STT 200 or STT 201 or STT 315 (accepted substitutions: STT 180, STT 231, STT 351, STT 421, STT 441, PSY 295)
    • Tier I Writing Course: WRA 101 or 195H, LB 133, MC 111, MC 112, RCAH 111

Academic factors included

  • College Precore GPA
    • Only MSU grades are used in the College Precore GPA calculations, with the following exceptions:
      • If all college precore courses are completed at an institution other than MSU, transfer grades and test credit GPA substitutions must be used.
      • If only one MSU precore grade is present, transfer precore grades and test credit GPA substitutions will be reviewed (if inclusion of all grades/substitutions benefits the student).
    • Precore course equivalents taken at MSU are used in the College Precore GPA calculation.
    • If both EC courses are completed, both credits/grades are used, per the MSU vs TR calculations listed above
    • If multiple courses that fulfill a specific College Precore requirement are completed (not as course repeats), the first completed course grade that meets the requirement will be used in College Precore GPA calculation.
  • Cumulative GPA
    • Only MSU grades are used in the cumulative GPA calculation.

Non-Academic Factors (Required)

Experiential Profile

An online experiential profile considering the following qualities:

  • Level of passion as shown by demonstrated enthusiasm and sustained commitment to business
  • Tangible connection made between experience and business principles
  • Level of responsibility demonstrated by increased level of duties and/or responsibilities
  • Duration of experience demonstrated by total hours

Case Study

A case study addressing current business themes, as related to the applicant’s experiences.

The purposes of including non-academic factors in the college-level admission decision process are to enhance the student’s educational experience through the process, to recognize attributes employers and industries value in the process, to acknowledge qualities that are valued by and consistent with the mission of the Broad College, and to include appropriate factors considered as indicators of success by the admissions review committee.

The approach includes meaningful self-reflection and teachable moments regarding integrity, initiative, professional relationships, work experience and co-curricular activities as they relate to the business world with the experiential profile, and the case study is consistent with the five key dimensions of personal and social responsibility of the AAC&U leadership initiative.

Statement of Extenuating Circumstances (Optional)

The  statement of extenuating circumstances is an opportunity for a student to share a circumstance beyond his/her control that might have impacted academic performance. Official supportive documentation of the extenuating circumstance must accompany the statement. Specific instructions are included in the application.

Admission to a Degree-Granting Major

Beginning Spring 2023: Students are admitted directly to the degree-granting major of their choice upon admission to the Broad College. Specific majors are no longer restricted/limited enrollment; students indicate their major preference inside the Broad College Secondary Admission application.

Note: The major choice in the application does not preclude students from switching majors after admission.

Frequently Asked Questions: Application and Decision Process

Frequently Asked Questions: Academic Factors

  • I took both STT 200 and STT 315 (or other approved STT courses). Which course will be used for the College Precore GPA?

    The first chronological non-repeatable grade earned in a precore course will be used in all future applications to calculate the precore GPA (substitute course grades taken later cannot be used).

      • Example: Spring 2023 grade in STT 315 cannot replace Fall 2022 grade in STT 200
  • Why is CSE 102 a required course for admission to the Broad College?

    The requirement for business professionals to have “data literacy” skills has taken on tremendous importance as business analytics have become a component of any business and business process.

    To develop the necessary data literacy and analytical skills, Broad students begin their journey with CSE102 learning Python programming. They will continue this journey with ITM209 (Excel, Tableau, SQL, etc.) and MKT317 (R coding to run statistics).

    At the 300/400 course level, major assignments and in some cases full courses require the use of these analytical skills and/or are fully focused on building additional tools (e.g. machine learning) to ensure a student graduates with the needed tools to be successful in a student’s desired profession.

  • Can I transfer in CSE 102?

    Per MSU policy, students may earn transfer credit in CSE 102 if a course at another school is approved for transfer as CSE 102. See Transfer MSU for currently approved equivalencies. To request an evaluation of a new course for potential transfer as CSE 102, please contact the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

  • I took a class at another school in a previous semester. How can I make sure it is considered as part of my application?

    Transfer courses from prior semesters must be reflected as “accepted credit” on a student’s MSU academic record by May 14, 2025. Unofficial documentation (such as is accepted for current semester dual-enrolled courses, see next question) will NOT be accepted. Students are responsible for making sure that official transcripts from other schools arrive at MSU and are added to their academic record in the months between the course end date and the current semester deadline.

  • I’m taking a class at another school this semester. How can I make sure it is considered as part of my application?

    To make sure your transfer course is considered in this semester’s admission decision, complete the following steps:

    1. Declare this course as part of your Broad application (there is a place in the application for you to disclose this information).
    2. Submit an unofficial transcript or a screenshot of your grade report (must include your name, the course code, name of school and the grade) via email to the Broad undergraduate admissions director, by 9:00am, May 15, 2025. The grade report must be a final grade officially posted by that school (similar to MSU’s SIS grade report, not a D2L-type report). Information not submitted by the deadline will not be considered in the current semester admission decision; you may apply again in the next application period. Late submission of this information, for any reason, will not be considered a valid reason to appeal an admission denial/ineligible decision.
    3. Work with that school to have an official transcript sent to the MSU Office of Admissions as soon as possible (the admissions director will follow up a few weeks into the next semester to make sure all transcripts have been received). Do not have official transcripts sent to any other location, including the Broad College. Official transcripts should be sent electronically via the other institution’s request form. The MSU Office of Admissions email address (often required as part of the transcript request) is
  • I received AP/IB/CLEP/A Level credit. How will this be used for admission?

    Credit in College Precore Courses earned via AP/IB/CLEP will translate into GPA equivalencies for the College Precore GPA only, if students have fewer than two MSU graded College Precore Courses. See the conversion chart in the Admission Information Session presentation slides, above, for exact score-to-GPA information.

    Credit in College Precore Courses earned via A-Level exams does not carry a GPA equivalency for the College Precore GPA.

  • My AP exam score resulted in a "waiver" of one or more of the College Precore courses. Will the waiver fulfill the course requirement?

    No. Students must earn credit in all required courses – the AP waiver does not fulfill the requirement.

  • I took some College Precore courses at another institution, and some at MSU. How will my College Precore GPA be calculated?
    • All College Precore courses in transfer (zero MSU numerically graded precore courses) = transfer Precore grades & test credit GPA equivalents will be used to calculate the CPC GPA.
    • One MSU numerically graded Precore course = transfer Precore grades & test credit GPA equivalents will be considered when calculating the CPC GPA (if it benefits the student).
    • Two or more MSU numerically graded Precore courses = only MSU grades used to calculate the CPC GPA.
  • I took all my College Precore courses at another institution. How will my College Precore GPA be calculated?
    • All College Precore courses in transfer (zero MSU numerically graded precore courses) = transfer Precore grades & test credit GPA equivalents will be used to calculate the CPC GPA.
    • One MSU numerically graded Precore course = transfer Precore grades & test credit GPA equivalents will be considered when calculating the CPC GPA (if it benefits the student).
    • Two or more MSU numerically graded Precore courses = only MSU grades used to calculate the CPC GPA.

    Transfer equivalent grades are based on the most recent chronological course, up to a maximum of 3 attempts, in keeping with MSU’s repeat policy.

    Example: STT 200 from Macomb Community College was completed twice – Fall 2021 grade: B-; Spring 2022 grade: C. Since the Spring 2022 grade is the most recent, that is the grade that will be used.

    The original course credit amount is used (example: if a course that transfers as STT 200 – a 3-credit course – to MSU, but is a 4-credit course at that school, the full 4 credits are calculated in the GPA).

    When using transfer grades from institutions that give individual course grades as letter grades (“C” instead of “2.0”), we apply that institution’s grade equivalencies (usually found on the back of the transcript and on that institution’s website).

    Example Transfer College Precore GPA:

    • Writing: ENG 1020 4 credits (Wayne State University) B (3.0 per WSU’s grade conversion)
    • Statistics: STT 210 4 credits (Macomb CC) A- (3.7 per MCC’s grade conversion)
    • Economics: ECON 201 4 credits (Macomb CC) C (2.0 per MCC’s grade conversion)
    • College Precore GPA: 2.9
  • I earned a low grade in a MSU course, and am repeating it this semester. Which grade will be used in my GPA for admission?

    If you are repeating the course at MSU, the grade you earn this semester will be used. Note: the most recent grade is used, whether or not it is the higher grade. This is in line with MSU’s repeat policy.

    If you are repeating the course at another institution, the transfer credit will remove the MSU grade from your cumulative (and College Precore, if applicable) GPA calculation. The original grade will not be replaced by the grade earned at the other school in your cumulative GPA calculation. You must earn a 2.0/C grade at the other school for MSU to accept the transfer credit/course.

Experiential Profile

  • What is the Experiential Profile?

    See the Non-Academic Factors section, above, for an explanation of the non-academic admission factors. Students are encouraged to attend an admission information session during the semester they apply to learn more about the application factors and process.

  • Where can I get help with my Experiential Profile?

    Broad academic advisors cannot provide feedback on individual student Experiential Profiles. Please use the resources referenced above and in the admission information sessions.

Case Study

Beginning Spring 2024, the Case Study is no longer a date/time limited part of the application process. Students will have the same amount of time to complete the Case Study component as the Experiential Profile sections.

Students must still “register” for the Case Study; there is only one “registration” choice, so the system will auto-registered students for the session when they click the Registration button. Once the “Start Case Study” button appears at the top of the main menu screen, students can return to the Case Study at any time during the application period to edit/update that section by clicking that button.

Case Study Instruction Video

  • What is the Case Study?

    See the Non-Academic Factors section, above, for an explanation of the non-academic admission factors. Students are encouraged to attend an admission information session during the semester they apply to learn more about the application factors and process.

    Broad academic advisors cannot provide feedback on individual student Case Study content. Please use the resources referenced above and in the admission information sessions.

  • I did not complete the Case Study. Will my application still be considered for admission to the Broad College?

    All parts of the application (precore courses, required credits, Experiential Profile, Case Study) must be completed to be considered for admission. Students who do not complete all required elements will be deemed ineligible for admission and should plan to apply in a future semester.

Statement of Extenuating Circumstances

  • What is the Statement of Extenuating Circumstances?

    It is an opportunity for a student to share a circumstance beyond his/her control which impacted academic performance. Official supportive documentation of the extenuating circumstance may be requested to corroborate the statement content. Documentation must be sent to

    Some reasons to write a statement: medical illness, family emergency, or significant life event.

    The desire to pursue a Broad degree with no other extenuating factors is not a reason for a statement; this is assumed based on the act of applying.

  • Is a statement required?

    No, it is optional.

  • What if an extenuating circumstance occurred after the application closed, so I could not complete a statement?

    Submit a statement and supportive documentation via email by the last day of the current semester for full consideration.

  • Should I submit a Statement of Extenuating Circumstances about the pandemic or the events of February 13, 2023?

    While the ongoing pandemic and related changes to the mode of instruction over the last several semesters apply to all students, and the tragic events of February 2023 impacted the entire campus, we recognize that individual students have been impacted differently. Any applicant is welcome to submit a Statement of Extenuating Circumstances through the application system; while the presence of a Statement of Extenuating Circumstances is not itself a guarantee of admission, the statement will allow the Admission Committee to consider a student’s individual situation when reviewing their overall application profile.

    Students who would like to submit a Statement of Extenuating Circumstances after the application closes must send the statement via email by the last day of the current semester. All statements must be substantiated with accompanying documentation.

Frequently Asked Questions: Credit-No Credit

Frequently Asked Questions: S/NS Grading

These topics are specific to the how grades from Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, and Summer 2021 will be used in the admission process.