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Our greatest asset is our diversity

Multicultural Business Programs (MBP)  guides and supports self-identified minoritized students through genuine advocacy, empowerment strategies and initiatives in order to ensure their success as future business leaders.

Our vision is to inspire, support, and build a legacy of diverse, distinguished, successful business leaders who positively impact the world.


Summer Business Institute

The Summer Business Institute (SBI) is a unique bridge opportunity designed for incoming freshman business majors at Michigan State University.

The purpose of SBI is to create exciting activities and learning experiences for students as they transition to college. Students attend training workshops conducted by top corporate professionals and academic seminars conducted by experienced MSU faculty and staff.

MSU invests in future MBP students by providing this valuable opportunity free of charge. Successfully completing SBI will launch students into the Eli Broad College of Business at MSU and set them up for a successful academic and professional career. 


Business Teams

Business Teams is a collaboration between MBP and MSU Athletics that brings together teams of five business students to support and coach student-athletes on how to navigate the NIL space. Established in 2022, the program gives business students real-life work experience and gives student-athletes a team that boosts their knowledge, confidence, business acumen, all while giving them more time to explore and capitalize on their name, image and likeness. Because of the program’s success in its first year, Business Teams has grown to include more students and student-athletes and has also helped catapult MSU into the forefront of the NIL space.

Mural painted in the Multicultural Business Programs Level Up Academic Space

Student Support

MBP offers students a broad range support. We work with students to identify individual strengths, values, interests and goals by providing:

  • support and guidance early on in students’ academic careers;
  • S.P.A.R.K.: Students Providing Advantages, Resources and Knowledge, an MBP student ambassador program;
  • the Level Up Academic Center, a welcoming space where students can study, connect, and engage with fellow Broad Students (mural in Level Up is pictured above);
  • access to the Empowerment Closet, a private fitting room in the Level Up Academic Center where students can try on and borrow business attire for interviews, presentations and more;
  • an open-door policy with our team in order to support continuing success;
  • effective student utilization of university and college resources, including academic and career advising;
  • motivational extra-curricular activities.
Two students take notes in a classroom in the Minskoff Pavilion.


The Multicultural Business Program offers free tutorial services to undergraduate students during the fall and spring semesters on a first-come-first-serve basis. This service provides approximately 200–350 students each semester with support in certain core business courses. Our tutors help students review concepts and practice problem solving and applications for these specific courses.


MBP currently offers tutorial assistance in the following courses:

●ACC 201                     ●ACC 202

●EC 201                        ●EC 202

●MTH 103 A                 ●MTH 103 B

●CSE 102                      ●STT 200

Find a Tutor

Students are assigned tutorial sessions on a semester-by-semester basis. These tutorial sessions meet twice a week and occur on either Mondays and Wednesdays, or Tuesdays and Thursdays. Sign up for MBP’s tutorial services begins during the first week of class each semester. Due to student demand, tutorial sessions fill up fast, and usually all tutorial spaces are full within the first three weeks of the semester. Applications are available online.


Become a Tutor

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Tutorial positions are filled primarily through advance hiring at the end of each semester for the following academic semester. However, some vacancies are filled at the beginning of each semester due to increased student demand. Applications are available online by clicking the apply button below.

Reminder: If you drop the course you are being tutored in and want to cancel your tutorial session, wish to change the subject in which you are being tutored, or need to update your schedule of availability, you will need to contact the tutorial coordinator at (517) 353-3524.


MBP Latino College students pose by the rock

MBP Student Organizations

Student organizations are a great way to become involved with Multicultural Business Programs. They give you a chance to meet students with similar interests, develop your leadership and communication skills, learn about corporations and attend conferences.

Membership is open to all MSU students, including non-business majors who have interest in the business field. Membership dues are $30 a year for your first organization and $10 for each additional organization.

Established in 2024, AIPDA Enterprise is a place for AIPDA (Asian Pacific Islander Desi American) students to celebrate and uplift their cultural identity as well as their Broad identity.

Entrepreneur camp Summer 2022

Entrepreneur Leadership High School Camp

The Entrepreneur Leadership High School Camp is a free, four-day camp for rising high school juniors and seniors that was created by MSU Broad College of Business Burgess Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation and the Multicultural Business Programs in order to fully-immerse students in the venture creation process while allowing them to learn the entrepreneurial mindset.

Throughout the camp, students will better understand how to navigate challenges to success based on their identities, develop themselves as young rising professionals, have structured opportunities to build professional capital with accomplished mentors who reflect their identities, and become familiar with MSU and the college experience. Participants will complete the program empowered, courageous and confident in their identity and their ability to serve as gamechangers in the classroom, in venture creation, and in life.


Apply by April 11 for Summer 2025




Broad Outreach Supporting Students

Broad Outreach Supporting Students (BOSS) is a free program that brings high school students from diverse backgrounds to Broad College of Business for a series of informative sessions to learn about the different career pathways in business. BOSS offers students insight into the admissions process, college preparation advice, and an opportunity to engage with current Broad faculty and students in meaningful ways.

Throughout the program, students will better understand the opportunities available to them here at Broad and how Multicultural Business Programs can support their success. Students will be connected with resources here on campus, learn more about Michigan State University as well as have an opportunity develop their business etiquette throughout the program. Students will also attend presentations from Broad faculty and hear from student panelists who reflect their identities about their experiences.

Students take notes while attending the Multicultural Business Student Success Academy.

Multicultural Business Success Academy

Multicultural Business Success Academy (MBSA) is a program designed for students who are a part of the Summer Business Institute that extends the experience into the freshman year by providing additional resources and support toward students on their road to success. MBSA offers a three-credit course called BUS 291. This hybrid course includes online and in-class participation.

Learn More about MBSA

MBP News

Broad students speaking in a panel discussion
The business roundtable event featured a panel discussion of undergraduate and current MBA students.
Minskoff Pavilion atrium from overhead.
Dive into the college’s many resources that empower success in business and offer a sense of community and belonging.
Students, faculty and staff fill the Minskoff Pavilion grand staircase during the MSU entrepreneurship program.
In its third year, the Entrepreneur Leadership High School Camp at MSU is a rewarding experience for future leaders.

Advisory Board

The Multicultural Business Programs Advisory Board is made up of MBP alumni who are committed to MBP’s vision of encouraging students from all cultural, economic and racial/ethnic backgrounds to pursue higher education, a business degree and a professional business career.

The MBP staff invited a select group of alumni to apply for the advisory board and interviewed each candidate extensively. Advisory board members were selected based on their commitment to the MBP vision, their professional experiences and their passion for student success. The advisory board has two formal meetings each academic year, and board members are involved in various student activities and programs.

Giving to MBP

With your help, the Multicultural Business Programs at Eli Broad College of Business can continue to build and support an exceptional student body. Financial support is vital to our students’ success as it allows students from different backgrounds and financial status to grow and prosper at Broad College of Business.

Give Now

Corporate Partners

Multicultural Business Programs is grateful for the continued financial and in-kind support from our corporate partners. Corporate representatives make a critical contribution to MBP’s effectiveness by investing time teaching, inspiring and mentoring MSU students. The partnership between the MBP staff and our corporate partners is necessary for student success.

Contact Information

The MBP Team is here for you and welcome you to visit us anytime.

MSU Multicultural Center

Michigan State University is engaging in the early stages of building a campus multicultural center.